Chapter 15: Distractions

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"Hey, I just don't want you to keep on thinking about him. I have to think of something to get you distracted," Ruby says, thoughtfully thinking.

"I know I have to get over him, I'm definitely not going to be one of those girls that just put there life on hold to be miserable over a boy that is no longer in there life. I agree though, I need a distraction," I nodded approving her plan, as long as it wasn't outrageous.

We sit on my bed cuddling pillows, chit-chatting back and forth; trying to occupy ourselves. My mother, Rebecca wasn't around a lot lately, she recently got called into work a lot more often. Maybe it was because she was keeping her distance from me, giving me some much needed time.

"What do you want to do Lily?" Ruby asks randomly.
"I don't know, what do you want to do Ruby?" I ask back.
"Get out of this small town, and travel the world," she answers, looking out in the distance, as if she was picturing herself all over the world.

She clears her throat. "Lily, can I ask you a few questions?" Ruby hesitantly asks, scratching her forehead.


"Why are you here?" I knew the questioning would increase my frustration.

"Excuse me?" I ask confused.

"Why did you all of a sudden come here?" She asks. "One day you never existed in my world, in his world. The next you changed everything," she responds truthfully.

She kind of deserves to know what's going on. Ruby has been so honest with me, and I have to at least try and help her understand. Maybe this was good practice for the future.

"I didn't want to live with my father anymore," I hesitantly answer, proud of my little progression.

"Why?" She asks, curious about my life. My life was far from interesting, it was horrific, I dreaded the day talking about it, and this was the day. Tyler was always involved no matter what, but that wasn't necessarily a good thing, she didn't need to know that.

"I was sick of living there."

"Why?" I felt the irritation radiate throughout my entire body. The multiple questions agitated me, and made me weak, nervous.

"The environment I was placed in was unhealthy, terrible and unusual for a teenager girl to live in," I replied, trying not to spill to much as I felt uncomfortable with all the sudden flashbacks.

"Tell me about your father," she rests a hand on my thigh, glancing contently into my eyes.

"There's not really much to tell," I brush the question away, agreeing to avoid it entirely. Some part of me felt bad for not telling her the real reason, but it's something to hard to admit. I can imagine the judgement and the pity that will eventually cover her face. I don't particularly want that in life, I just want to be normal to others, I want to be seen as normal through there eyes. I knew deep down that I could never be normal and if anyone knew the truth, I would be considered.... considered pointless, abnormal, different.

The conversation toned down, once Ruby realised it was a touchy subject.
"Why don't we do something? We've got nothing else to do," Ruby asks excited.

"Like what?" I ask a tad bit enthusiastically.

"Like a movie."

"We could just watch Netflix," I suggested whining, laying down on my bed.

"No, I want to go out, live a little. I want you to live with me, we can't be sitting here, doing nothing for the rest of the night." She bounced lightly on the bed, trying to convince me, but her movement was just irritating.

"We're doing stuff." I state, pushing myself up facing her.

"I know, but I think it will be good for us. Plus there will be so many cute guys!" She grins squealing.

"Cute guys?" I ask horrified and disinterested.

"This isn't your idea of a distraction is it?" I ask, leaning back and rolling my eyes. "I don't want to get involved with anyone."

"You got involved with Caleb," she reminds me. I didn't know what to say, and by the time I could really think she already considered herself a winner of that 'argument'. "I'm calling Natalie, she'll probably meet us there."

Author's Note: I know this chapter was pretty short, but I'll make sure that the next chapter is better and longer. Please note that this chapter was a bit rushed, I didn't have much time to write it and I needed something to lead up to what's going on next.

Thank you for all the support lovelies, the votes are unreal.

Do you think Lily should open up to her friends or keep it all to herself?

I would love feedback if you had any, I'm sorry if I made any mistakes. Please consider commenting, voting and sharing. Your support is appreciated immensely.

What are your thoughts about the situation with Caleb and Lily? 

Don't forget to check out my other books if you can, love you all and be good xx

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