Chapter 21: Irreplaceable

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"I've been looking for you," Mary informs me.

"You shouldn't have bothered Mary," I say sternly. I beckon Natalie and Ruby to keep on walking with me and they follow me around Mary. Of course Mary decides not to give up at all, she follows behind us.


"Mary!" I turn around to face her, "I've changed, i'm a different person, and I've recently realised that I don't need you anymore. I have other friends now."

Mary steps back, shocked by my voice. When I lived with Tyler, Mary was the only person I could really be friends with. We grew up together because our fathers were great friends and still are to this day I assume. I use to feel like Mary treated me properly, at least better than tyler did. Only to find out once I moved here that she really wasn't a genuine friend.

She worried for me, and helped me incases, but she never treated me like a normal individual because of what I was going through. Because she knew what was going on, and to reveal that to all of my friends, my boyfriend, would be life shattering.

What if they do the exact same thing if they find out?

"Mary, I think you should leave..." my voice obviously hints that i've had enough of her nonsense and that I don't want her interfering with my other friendships.

"I just came to say sorry Lily-"

"I don't need another apology, that's enough!" I yell defensively.

"You know what Lily?" she rhetorically asks, breaking the space between us. "I'm irreplaceable," She yells, while her face turns slightly red.

"What?" I ask, as Ruby and Natalie stand back observing.

"These bitches can't replace me, and you're stupid to think so."

"Excuse me?" Ruby steps forward, and I lightly push her back with my arm, as she persists to strangle her.

"I can't believe you Lily, after all we've been through," Mary shakes her head in disappointment. "I was actually considering..." Mary pauses, reading into her words as if she has made a mistake.

"You were considering what?" Natalie asks intrigued.

"Never mind, it doesn't matter anymore, i've already made up my mind," Natalie and Ruby exchange confused looks, but I only search for something more in Mary's suspicious face.

"I'm sorry Lily for-" Mary begins. I jump forward, covering her mouth with my palm and begging her to shut up. She is intentionally revealing my secrets to Natalie and Ruby, even though she doesn't know it, she knows that's why I must be so irritated.

"Whatever. Just remember that i'm irreplaceable," Mary mumbles through my hand.

"Mary, you've already been replaced," I whisper to her, "by better and improved versions, unlike yourself."

Mary rips my hand off of her, crossing the street and disappearing around the corner.

"Why was she apologising to you?" Natalie asks.

"It's nothing, it's in the past and I want to leave it there," I continue to walk. I can feel the girls eyes staring at the back of my head, and I hear their foot steps behind me.

"You can tell us Lily," Ruby says, trying to change my mind.

"She did something terrible to me, and we use to be best friends, but now I've realised that we use to be nothing compared to the friendships I have here, with you." My eyes bounce to Natalie then Ruby, hoping that that's enough information for at least one day.

Their eyes show confusion as I turn around to face them.


We all have secrets, and secrets aren't suppose to be told. I don't intentionally become suspicious, I don't want others to know that I'm hiding something, because I couldn't bear them finding out.

I want to forget about Tyler, pretend that he doesn't exist anymore, that's all I can do.

It's just hard when all your friends, even your boyfriend, persist to squeeze your taunting secret out of your own lips.

My lips quiver at the thought, while Ruby and Natalie's heads are stuck to their books. I take a hold of my freezing glass of water, trying not to spill the full cup.

"Are you alright Lily?" Ruby asks, glancing up at me. My eyes twitch, making her eyes expand in worry. Natalie's attention pulls towards me like a magnet, and I'm caught by both of them. I'm cornered and I know they're going to want to know what Mary did, but the truth is I never want to waste my time thinking or talking about Mary ever again. She knew that I didn't want anyone else to know, she swore to secrecy.

She betrayed me, and I can't believe she actually thought that her father would help me.

"Lily!" Ruby yells, snapping me out of my daze by shaking me. Once I open my eyes she takes a deep breath, stepping away from me.

"What's wrong Lily?" Natalie asks, immediately closing her book.

"Why does everyone keep on asking me that?" I ask.

"We can just tell that somethings up, we should be able to, were your best friends now. What did that bitch do to you? Why did she come all the way here to apologise? I've never seen her around town," Natalie crosses her arms across the desk.

"Please, I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to talk about her," I shake my head in disapproval at the tear that quickly escapes my eye and reveals itself.

I don't want to come across as weak ever again, I aspire to be strong, and to be capable. Normal, because everyone around me, seems to be stronger than me.

Author's Note:
Sorry for the short chapter, please let me know what you think about this chapter in the comments.

Love graycloudss

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