Chapter 12: Fury

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With my eyelashes clamped together, I struggle to split them apart in order to view my surroundings; after a restless night of sleep. The sunlight bakes the sheets covered across my freezing body; creating a beautiful warmth throughout the room. I automatically stretch at the sound of my phone, and with the very little energy I have, I manage to push myself up. Cringing in annoyance at my choice of movement.

I crawl over my bed, retrieving the device to my aching hand. I received many messages earlier this morning, and all of them seem to be from Caleb. The way he makes me feel, forces me to giggle, it's almost like a weakness, he effects me so easily.

Caleb: Morning babe, can't wait to see you.

Caleb: I'll wait for you out front.

Caleb: You take really long to get ready....

Caleb: Girls! *rolls eyes*

Caleb: Babe we're going to be late, if you don't get your cute ass down here.

Caleb: What would you be doing?

Caleb: Makeup?

Caleb: Hair?

Caleb: Picking the perfect outfit?

Caleb: Trust me baby, you'd probably look good in anything.

Caleb: Now you're really worrying me...

Caleb: Maybe you're already at school. I'm such a fool.

Caleb: I'm at school, going to find you.

Caleb: Are you trying to irritate me?

Caleb: Are you trying to play hard to get?

Caleb: Don't you think you've made me work enough?

Caleb: Babe stop this nonsense... :(

Caleb: Maybe you're sick...

Caleb: I'm so sorry, I'll come to your place straight after school.

Caleb: Only if you want me tooooo...

Caleb: Take care of yourself and ignore all the previous messages please....

Caleb: I'm a terrible boyfriend so far.

Shit! I can't believe I've been sleeping this whole time.


Walking through the classroom door is daunting, as for everyone's eyes are darting at me. I try to ignore them all, heading towards Mr Flockhart to apologise. "I am so..." I start.

"Where have you been?" he asks, sharply interrupting.

"I..I was in traffic," my hands begin to shake and my throat starts to tighten at the sudden tension. Traffic? Traffic! I came up with the most unconvincing excuse of all time, I know that he won't let this slide, because if I was in traffic, I would have arrived at school a couple of hours ago. It still is an extremely small town and I still live right down the road.

"You should probably know that it's past recess and you're telling me it took you two hours to get here?" he questions aggressively.

"Y-y-yes" I stutter. My fingers start to twitch uncontrollably and I clamp my hands together; in order to make it stop, hoping that no one will notice.

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