Chapter 14: Baby

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Caleb's POV:
I sit in biology, impatiently hitting my fingers rapidly against the wooden bench. I am about ready to finish the day, I can't wait any longer to see Lily. My fingers start to tap in rhythm with the clocks distinct ticking, and then I hear Irene's voice down the hallway.

"I fucking love you!" She chirps piercingly at none other than her group of plastics. I quickly plonk my head against the table, wrapping my arms around the back of my neck and quickly placing both of my hands together. I bloody hope she doesn't notice me. I close my eyes softly pretending to sleep. I hear feet pattering against the wooden floor boards, secretly wishing that she doesn't take a seat in the empty seat right next to me. I feel the light touch of fingers brushing through my hair, in a circular motion. I react straight away by whipping my head back. Irene gasps, "Baby I didn't know you were awake, Did I wake you?" she asks concerned, pretending that we never broke up.

"What do you want Irene?" I growl, frustrated with her.

"I want you," she answers with no hesitation, "and I know you want me to," she adds griping my thigh, smirking at my shocked reaction. Her eyes yet endearing, glance even deeper into my eyes with determination.

"You broke up with me!" I remind her, pushing her hand away. She doesn't react to my scolding, she just brushes the recent statement off.

"Baby, we both know I just needed some time," she forcefully glances deeply into my confused eyes, increasing my uncomfortable state. My heart begins to pound, infuriated with her words.

"I know you broke it off with me in order to sleep around," I admit, shaking my head in disappointment.

"What the fuck? Who told you that?" she objected, slightly angry.

Irene has always been a terrible liar, and still is to this day. I start to reflect on how peaceful it was before she entered the class. "It doesn't matter who told me Irene, when you broke up with me you implied that you didn't want me anymore."

"but baby, I've had a sudden change of mind, my heart has recently changed, aching every time I think about you. I know you're meant for me," she tries to take hold of my hands, but I glare at her intensely.

"I may be meant for you, but you are not meant for me," I reply bitterly, "You hurt me Irene, and to find out that you were screwing around with older men left me distraught," I now was reminded of the emotions that poured out continuously at that moment of my life, I thought I was in love, I thought she was the one, but it all came crashing down after that.

"Awwww baby" she placed her hand on my thigh again, moving closer to 'comfort' me.

"No, don't Irene, I can't look at you the same way again," I move away, "Your a bitch!."

"What did you just call me?" She asks, while her face is bright red.

"A bitch Irene," I remind her; happy to do so.

"You can't treat your lady like that," tears stream down her face, but I know her to well to identify that they are fake, as an ugly expression appears on her face, "I thought I meant something to you."

"Irene, did you hear anything that came out of my mouth before?," I ask.

"Of course I can hear you babe."

"You're in denial," I state, getting sick of her child like manner.

"You're such a frickin jerk, I'm not in denial!" she raises her voice, "we just have to sort this out Caleb, we need to sort out what's going on between us," her voice transitioned rapidly, from a lunatic to a reasonably normal person. Nothing she was saying was reasonable though, and her crazy mood swings changed my whole aspect of her.

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