Chapter 24: Not Worth Mentioning

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Once I enter the apartment Jake glances over his shoulder and walks briskly towards the table to take his stuff out. "Where's Caleb," I ask him as I close the door from behind. Jake responds with a slight shrug, so I brush the unusual feeling in the pit of my stomach away and pay my undivided attention to studying with Jake.

While I precisely write in cursive, I ponder about the way I asked the previous question - so abruptly. Jake must think I'm the most paranoid girlfriend in the world, as I've already noticed his unusual expressions across the table.

Is it really that terrible that I worry about Caleb though? He is in an unstable condition after all, but Jake convinces me other wise with his intimidating stares.

The thick and silent air slowly becomes thinner, as we begin to revise old test results. And my anticipation to see Caleb's face increases as time drags on.

"Where could he possibly be?" I interrupt Jakes concentration.

His eyes land on mine, causing him to sharply face his book. The question syncs in, his posture straightens and he looks ridiculously uncomfortable to answer.

"Does it really matter? I'm sure he's fine," he mumbles.

"What do you know Jake? What are you hiding? Where is he?" I persist to receive answers from him now.

"Is it that hard to understand that I just want you to stop thinking about him and just have a simple moment with me?" He sharply adds. His jaw clenches and his knuckles turn white as he tightly grips his pen.

His phone vibrates in his pocket, and he is alerted to see the name shown on his phone.

"Who is it Jake?" I ask him, but before I can ask him anymore questions he walks out of the room, answering the phone. I hear whispers from the kitchen, but some words are to unclear to comprehend.

I turn furious, impatiently waiting for him to hang up the phone and quickly inform me on what's going on, but once he sits down he doesn't budge one bit, not even to acknowledge my presence again.

I rip my eyes off of him, trying to keep myself in a normal and polite state. I hear my own conscience chant throughout my head "stay casual, act casual."

I bite my lip, attempting to execute the question correctly.

"Who was that?" My elbow slips across the table after I lean my chin on it, and clumsily hit my head against the hard surface.

Jake chuckles at my own fault, and I blush with embarrassment. But I soon realise a particular pounding, it feels like vicious fists trying to bruise the inside of my head.

As my head rises jakes face portrays concern, and his fingertips travel towards my forehead.
"Lily! Are you alright?"

"Not when you're laughing at me," I jokingly pout, but I can't help feeling a sickening pain.

"No, seriously, you must of hit your head harder than I thought."

"Don't worry I'm fine," I intercept, probably blabbering to much through his perspective.

"You're bruised Lily."

"How did you notice? I thought I hid them...." I jump up in fright, "how did you know? How long have you known?"

"Known what?" Jake asks with a frown.
I register the situation before actually softening my stern face.

I must have forgotten the hit to my head against the table once we started talking again, but I could've just given away a slice of my hidden secret.

My bruises are fatal, and sometimes I grow afraid of them never disappearing. My body shouldn't have reacted to... Tyler's forceful hands like this, it reminds me of how capable he really is.

"Lily, lily!" Jake snaps me out of my daze. "What are you going on about?"

"It's not worth mentioning," I reply with a tiny smile, wanting to physically cry, but trading it for a tear inside.

Author's Note:
I apologise for the short chapter! I've been extremely busy.
Thank you for being patient xx

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