Chapter 25: Selfish

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I had to leave immediately. Jake was to predictable, I asked question after question, but still those questions were unanswered. I began to believe that he joined a colt against me.  

I'd obviously have to find out what was going on by myself. 

I also couldn't stand staying there, after almost letting him find out, after being so close to telling him, after lying again. 

I was meaning to ask Caleb to come to the bomb fire with me. Even though he isn't in a complete stable condition, I'd feel terrible not including him and I wouldn't want him to be asked by Jake instead. I mainly wanted to ask him to make sure he knew that I (personally) wanted him to come. Besides the fact that he should feel like he has a choice, he is a human after all... even when trying to convince myself that I am also..

Me: Caleb where are you?

I sigh as my phone slides out of my hands onto my bed. I sit cross legged while my legs impatiently shake. It's close to the time when I'd normally leave, but its getting unimaginable to believe that I'd have to socialise at that party without knowing where he was.... 

My phone buzzes and I don't waste one second to pick it up, but I'm left disappointed when it views my group conversation with Natalie and Ruby. 

Natalie: Where are you guys? I'm already here :(  

Me: I don't think I'll be able to make it...

Natalie: Noooo! don't stay at home all by your lonesome!

Me:  Ruby will be with you

Natalie: Yes, she will, but I need you too.

Me: you're so selfish.

Natalie: I know I am :)

I groan, crawling off my bed. 


As I sit on the train I stare at my own reflection through the glass window, realising as I sit still, everyones life revolves around me. The course of peoples lives are going at the same pace as yours but are simply doing a certain thing, or at a certain place for a particular reason. But for an  unexplained, unusual chance another life bumps into yours. 

That's how I feel about Caleb... if I wasn't to run down that staircase that day and cry, I wouldn't have meet him. I wouldn't have started to be convinced that men aren't entirely a cursed species. I wouldn't have believed that Caleb was different, that he could change me, and possibly help me...

My thoughts fade as I see a familiar figure in the next cart down. Is that actually him?


Author's Note:

This is such a short chapter, but it is basically the first part to the next chapter. I just prefer to leave some extra suspense :)

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