Chapter 17: Falling Asleep

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As I push my hand against the door, I use the other to slowly twist the door knob. The squeak scares me as it's irritating sound doesn't shut up, making Caleb cringe behind me. I'm not sure if my mother is here or not, she always has those unexpected late night shifts, and I hardly ever see her. Half the time I think she's just trying to avoid me.

We both tip-toe through the house. Reaching the hallway and being careful with our choice of movement, while walking past my mothers door.

A stabbing creak from the wooden floorboards haunt my ears. Making me turn around to Caleb and scold him. Fright covers his face, in fear of getting caught. I don't particularly want my mother knowing that I would let my boyfriend come into my room late of a night. I tug his hand, leading the way to my room.

We sit on the bed together, he takes my hands and runs his fingers gently across them.

"I'm sorry," his eyes gaze into mine, "for thinking that you loved my brother."

I take a deep breath, ready to reply, but he interrupts.

"and also about Irene..." He trails off, looking away.

I shuffle forward, "What exactly happened that day?" You can't blame a girl for being curious.

He looks back up at me, surprised by my question, I can tell he's nervous by his noticeable gulp.

"She was pestering me... she always does and I kept on telling her that we were over, because she wanted to... to get back together." He scratches the back of his neck, intending to tell me the rest.

"She also was persistent and wouldn't take no for an answer. She grew jealous..." His posture straightened, as he became more comfortable with the topic.

"Jealous of who?" I ask, there is no way that Irene can be jealous of me. Those legs and those eyes compared to mine... Who would even compare us? it's obvious that she is ridiculously gorgeous for such a brutal person.

"You, of course," he answers. I glance at the moon and it's light radiates through the dark room we sit in. I never realise the amount of impact the light of the moon has, but outside it seems like nothing compared to our vibrant sun.

He grabs my shoulder lightly, "Lily?" I turn to him slowly. "Are you alright?" he asks worried.

"I'm fine," I reassure him, placing my hand upon his and force a smile.

"Don't worry, I won't let her hurt you," he takes ahold of my hands once again. His eyes stare into my blue eyes, fidgeting to one, then the other. While he analysis my face, I grow scared of the thought of him being able to read my mind, somehow. I don't want him to know how I feel, because of my sudden weakness towards his gorgeous hazel eyes.

"What would you be able to do?" I giggle, rolling my eyes at him. I receive a stern look, and take in his strong expression that suddenly makes me silent.

"I would do anything... for you," he mumbles, looking down at our hands. "your hands are cold."

He cradles my hands, bringing them up to his mouth, and heats them up with his warm breath. I stare at his action, and he chuckles once he looks up at my shocked face.

I look away with embarrassment and he glides the back of his hand against my cheek, making me shiver. I unexpectedly jump back, becoming ashamed of my ridiculous response. I quickly walk up to my closet to cover it up, and pray that he doesn't think to much of it.

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