Part 1

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No one enjoys lectures. It's a well-known fact. Ask any student on a Monday morning if they want to be there, and all you'll receive is a grunt and a glare through tired eyes.

I'm no exception. Barely keeping awake during my 9am lecture on News and Current Affairs, I scolded myself for staying up so late. Having insomnia was no fun, but I didn't help myself by binge watching Game of Thrones until the early hours of the morning.

"... and as some of you could not be bothered to arrange any last year, your work experience in the summer will be arranged by myself and the other Journalism staff..."

I was suddenly wide awake. Work experience? During the holidays? I sighed in sync with the other students.

"Alright, simmer down." My lecturer continued. "We've gotten everyone a spot in a company or with a professional in order for you to learn the ropes from somebody who is already doing it."

Chances were, I was going to be stuck in a stuffy office with some grumpy old men, working on a boring political newspaper or on some stupid magazine about horses or golf or cars or...

"Elizabeth! Are you even listening?"

I jolted awake from my inner rant.

"As I said, you'll be working on tour with a small band from America. They're in Europe for a while and you'll be helping run their blog and website. Kind of like PR."

He carried on with his list of names, telling each poor soul where they'd be stuck for their last assignment. I thought about what my work experience would entail. Small band from America? They were probably some stuck up band that thought they'd made it big because they'd got a few views on YouTube. Never mind.

With instructions to pick up the details before we left, I zoned back out before 11am, in which the lecturer clapped his hands loudly and told us we could leave.

"Don't forget to pick up the sheets with the information on them, most of them start next week and we don't want anyone not understanding where they have to go, hm?"

Leaving with the information, I discarded it in my jacket pocket carelessly before heading to my next period. I caught up with my friend Emilia in my next lecture.

"Hey!" She gave me a quick hug in greeting. "You get your work experience thingy yet?"

I barely had time to nod before she started babbling on about how she'd got a place working with a fashion magazine editor. Emilia was a huge fashion geek, always on trend and gushing about what the celebrities were wearing. She'd always dreamed of working in fashion editorials, so I wasn't surprised that she was excited.

"What's yours?" she asked.

"Some band... hang on." I was about to reach into my pocket to grab the paper when my lecturer walked in to start the class. I whispered to Emilia that I'd tell her later.


It was 5pm and finally the end of the day. As it was nearing the end of the term, I had packing to do so I could go home for the holidays. It was mostly done, but I spent the evening throwing everything but tomorrow's essentials into my suitcase, so I could leave as soon as my final lecture was over. I had my favourite playlist on in the background, consisting mostly of mostly alternative music. As I started rapping one of my favourite songs, I reached for my jacket which I had thrown onto my bed when I'd come in. 

"I ponder of something great, my lungs will fill and then deflate."

I grabbed the paper out of my jacket pocket, realising that I'd forgotten to go over the information for my work experience.

"They fill with fire, exhale desire, I know it's dire, my time today."

I continued singing as I skim read the details. 

"I have these thoughts..."

Start in a week and a half... 

"... so often I ought..."

Follow the band around...

"... to replace that slot..."

Take photographs...

"... with what I once bought..."

Update their social media...

"... 'cause somebody stole..."

Write their blog...

"... my car radio..."

Tour Europe with them for 2 months. 

"... and now I just sit in silence."

The band was twenty one pilots.

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