Part 33 - Josh's POV

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I woke up with my nose buried in Lizzie's hair, one arm under her neck and the other slung over her waist, pulling her as close to me as possible. She had tucked her face into the crevice between my neck and shoulder, so I pulled back slightly to look at her. 

Her eyelashes were splayed delicately against her rosy cheeks, her lips pouty and plump. Her forehead was wrinkled and her eyebrows were furrowed, making me think she was having a bad dream. I leant forward and placed a small kiss to her brow bone, and then peppered kisses down her nose, her cheeks, her chin. The wrinkles on her forehead smoothed out as she calmed down. 

"You forgot my lips," she grumbled sleepily under her breath as she woke up. 

I chuckled, moving my hand to under her chin and pulling her face towards mine so I could press my lips softly to hers. 

Lizzie smiled, shuffling closer to me and pressing her face into my collarbone. 

"Merry Christmas," I whispered into her hair, feeling her lips quirk into a quick smile against my skin before she launched the duvet off our bodies. She began to jump up and down on the bed, singing Jingle Bells at the top of her lungs whilst I chuckled at her. 

"Congratulations, you've probably woken the entire neighbourhood," I teased her as she finally plopped down onto the soft sheets beside me. She covered her mouth and blushed at her sudden outburst, obviously feeling bad that she'd woken up my family.

I tackled her onto her back, placing a small kiss on her nose. 

"I'm kidding Lizzie, it's half eleven and mum has already been up to tell me that she's made Christmas pancakes."

At the mention of pancakes, Lizzie threw herself into the bathroom to get ready for the day, me following behind her. 


We were all gathered around the Christmas tree, exchanging gifts. Lizzie had gotten me socks with alien faces on them, a San Fransisco mug (she'd also gotten Tyler a matching one), a coupon book for personal favours - mostly cute things like cuddles and back massages - and then handed me a certificate. 

"This star has successfully been entered into the star-naming registry. 

The star has been named:

"Spooky Jim Christmas"

This star is so that you're as close to real aliens as possible, Spooky Jim.

I love you."

She'd nudged me when she gave it to me, a goofy grin on her face.  

"What do you get for the guy who has everything? I got you a bit of space!"

I'd laughed and kissed her, ignoring the jeers and giggles from my family. 

"I love them, thank you."

I reached over to grab the present I'd wrapped for her. 

"I don't know how I'm going to beat a star, but here you go, Lizzie."


A/N - so sorry that this is a short part, but I prefer writing from Lizzie's POV so her parts are always longer. I'll try to get that up tonight, and if not, tomorrow. 

Thank you all so much for sticking with me! 

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