Part 36

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A week had passed since I'd started back on tour, and it was going amazingly well. I had fallen back into the swing of things and mum had flown back home the day before, after seeing a couple of shows and believing that I would be okay again. I was going to miss seeing her all the time, but I knew that I wouldn't be too homesick given that I felt so at home with Josh and the rest of the band and crew.

Photographing the shows was starting to feel easier too, and during every show the fans at the barrier would chant my name and tell me how glad they were that I was back. I knew that I was right to be apprehensive, but part of me knew that I had nothing to be afraid of. A majority of the fans were good people, with good hearts, and it was easy to remember that when they all seemed to happy to see me at the shows and would tweet me wishing me well.

Josh and I were also back to normal, dying each others hair and sleeping curled together in the same bunk like we had previously on tour. There was something about the movement of the tour bus and the beat of Josh's heart as I lay on his chest that soothed me like a lullaby and lulled me to sleep.

The next show was in LA, and so Josh had planned to show me around his home. It was easy to forget that Josh had gifted me a key, but now that we were visiting, the gesture made my stomach flutter and my love for him grow even more.

The taxi we were in pulled up outside a large house, my eyes widening at the size whilst Josh chuckled at my expression.

"Most of it is studio. It's not as daunting as it looks."

I let out a huff as we walked towards the door.

"Why don't you take your key for a test drive?" Josh teased, giggling at his own joke, his tongue sticking out between his teeth.

Fingers trembling, I took the key and turned it in the lock, swinging the door open and gasping at the inside.

Josh was right, his house wasn't all that daunting, but it was beautiful. The floors were wooden and shiny, with an open plan kitchen and living room taking up most of the space. It was large, but cozy looking and homey. Josh led me through the house, showing me the bathroom with the large shower, his bedroom and finally, the studio. Right in the centre of the room was a drum set, which had obviously been well used.

"So, this is where the magic happens, huh?" I laughed, the innuendo not going unnoticed by Josh, who raised his eyebrows at me, his tongue poking out from between his front teeth.

"Come on! I toned it down! The original joke was going to be one about banging, so you should be thankful that I didn't go down that road."

Josh shook his head, chuckling, before leaping for me and tickling my sides. I doubled over as tears streamed from my eyes, trying desperately to dodge his attacks.

In a last ditch attempt to get away, I threw myself to the floor and curled up into a ball. Unfortunately I had misjudged my fall, and landed awkwardly on my knees.

"Ouch!" I yelped, rolling onto my side and curling up into the foetus position. I rocked myself in pain, eyes screwed shut tight as I hissed.

Josh's face turned serious immediately, as he fell to the floor beside me, whisking me up into his arms and prodding my legs to see if there was any major damage. I stopped whining and started giggling instead, to which Josh paused and looked at me as if I was crazy.

"What? It tickles!" I laughed, which turned into howling laughter as Josh rolled his eyes and got up to leave the room, leaving me on the floor.

"You're insane," I heard him mutter under his breath, causing me to burst into another fit of giggles.


Author's Note
I am so so so sorry for this crappy filler chapter guys! I'm so unhappy with this part but I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing so that I can finish up this story for you. You've all been so supportive and your comments are always so kind and genuinely make me so happy.

I could write all the excuses I have for not writing sooner, but I know you're probably sick of me so let's play a game instead so I can get to know you all. If I know a bit more about you, I'll feel more obliged to continue the story as I can't let down my friends, can I?

I'd love to know where you're all from, your age range, and a fun fact about yourself! If you don't feel comfortable divulging any of that information, just tell me when you first heard twenty one pilots and what song it was that made you fall in love ❤️

I'll start! I'm from the East of England, I'm 21 and my fact is that I can't wink, or whistle! Also, I first heard twenty one pilots not long after Vessel came out, and it was Migraine that began my obsession!

I'll have a new chapter up for you soon, I promise.

Thank you all for sticking with me. Lots of love xxx

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