Part 17

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The following weeks were spent the same way. The boys would play shows, I'd do my PR bit, and then when everyone else was asleep, Josh would crawl into my bunk to help me doze off. 

I was sure the others must've noticed him climbing out of my bunk every morning, but no one said anything. 

I was glad, because I couldn't stand the idea of us both being teased and him changing his mind about it. I'd slept better in his arms over the last few months than I'd ever slept before, and I felt refreshed and energetic every day. 

As my liveliness grew, so did my crush on none other than Joshua William Dun. I'd been so defensive about it, so scared to admit that what Jenna had been hinting at for months was actually true. 

I couldn't help but let my feelings grow for the smiley drummer. He was every girl's dream. He was gentlemanly and adorable, and nice to everyone. His smile and laugh could light up any room, and break me out of any bad mood I was in. He was warm and comfortable, both physically and in the sense that he almost felt like home. I felt safe around him, and wanted nothing more than to make him happy, the way he did for me. 

It didn't help that he was so physically attractive. His hair was soft, even though he dyed it constantly, and even though it was messy ninety-nine percent of the time, it still looked great. His eyes were the colour of slightly milky coffee, and they sparkled every time he smiled. His smile was perfect, his lips lined with straight teeth. He had muscles everywhere, his arms huge and his torso toned. I loved being able to cuddle up to him every night, but it hurt knowing that he only saw it as a friend helping another friend out. 


We had been on tour since June, and it was now September, meaning it was nearly my birthday. It fell on a show day, which meant that we couldn't celebrate it, but that was fine. I wasn't the type to have big celebrations for my birthday. For my twenty-fourth, I'd just cuddled up on the couch with Emilia and a slice of cake and watched Disney movies. 

I had planned on just ignoring my birthday this year, but it hadn't worked.

"Isn't it your birthday next week?" Josh asked me suddenly whilst we all sat playing video games. 

"Yeah, I'm not overly bothered about it." I shrugged.

Tyler paused the game. "You're not bothered about your birthday?"

Now the game had stopped, all eyes were on me. 

I cowered under their stares. "I'm not really the kind of person who gets excited about getting older, I guess. It's just another day to me." 

They all just looked at me with their mouths hanging open.

Seizing the opportunity, I snapped a quick picture of their dumbfounded faces, and walked away. 


I woke up on the morning of my birthday, and unwrapped myself from Josh's warm grip. He just rolled over and fell back asleep as I took a shower and got dressed in my 'crew' t-shirt and some ripped blue jeans. 

I'd dyed the bottom of my hair green a few days ago, and I tied it into a high ponytail before leaving the bathroom and waking everyone else up so that we could explore the venue.

After a couple of hours, we were all in the venue, ready to set up the equipment and start soundcheck. 

Time flew by and before I knew it, I was stood in front of the stage, photographing Josh, who was playing the drums for Ride on top of the crowd. 

Trees came and went, and the band made their way back on stage.

"This is usually where we would end the show, but tonight, we have a birthday within the crew. Can we get Liz up here please?"

I tried to hide away, but Michael pushed me up onto the stage, and Josh and Tyler stood either side of me. 

I whispered into Josh's ear. 

"I'm going to kill you."

He just laughed as a cake was wheeled out in front of me. It was in the shape of a giant camera.

Tyler started singing, and the audience joined in.

"Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday, dear Liz,

Happy Birthday to you!"

I blew out the candles, and then before anyone knew it, I'd grabbed a piece of cake in each hand and smeared it all over Josh and Tyler's faces.

The audience all cheered and clapped as I jokingly curtsied and Michael took a few pictures. 

I could never trust these boys. 

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