Part 34

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Josh handed me a small box, his hands slightly shaking. He looked nervous, and his family were all silently watching me. 

I unwrapped the box carefully before pulling the lid from the top. A key was sat inside, and I must've looked confused because Josh started to speak.

"Lizzie, I know we haven't been together for long so this might come across as a bit strange, but you're gonna be in America with us for a while, especially whilst we tour and stuff. And with your job with us being full time, you'll be with us almost always. And we don't go to England anywhere near as much as we wish we could, so I wanted you to have a place to call home here in the US."

I looked at him, dumbfounded, before raising my voice.

"You bought me a house?! Josh, are you insane? This is too much, I can't..."

He cut me off.

"Lizzie, I didn't buy you a house. This is a key to my house. In LA. So you can stay there with me whenever we have a break in the American tours."

I shook my head. 

"Josh, it's too much, I can't accept this."

He gave me a small smile. 

"It's nothing, honestly. Look, I'm not asking you to move in with me, I understand that it's much too soon for that. But I just want you to have somewhere to call home away from home. I love you, and I love having you around. It's no trouble at all."

I nodded and smiled back. 


I pulled him into a grateful hug and pecked him on the lips, still reeling from the shock. 

He'd said he wasn't asking me to move in, but it was still a pretty serious step in our relationship. 

The thing was, I wasn't scared. 


New Year came around super quickly. After spending so much time with Josh's family and my mum and having so much fun, time was flying by. 

The Dun's had a New Years party which we all attended, including Jenna and Tyler and his family. We laughed and danced the night away, and my New Years kiss was with none other than my drummer boyfriend. 

Now we were heading back on tour, the boys refreshed from the break and eager to play shows again.

I, however, was nervous, knowing that what had happened to me before could easily happen again. Some of the fans hated me, and I could deal with that, but knowing that some wanted to cause me physical harm terrified me. 

I was lying in my bunk in the dark, the sounds of the boys playfully bickering over Mario Kart muffled through the partitioning curtain. 

It was suddenly pulled back, revealing Jenna who greeted me with a small smile, before shuffling into the small space next to me and closing the curtain again, sheathing us in darkness once more.  

"Y'know, we're all so happy to have you back."

My lips quirked upwards in a forced smile, realising too late that she couldn't see me. I let out a small huff of acknowledgement instead, not wanting to worry her with how I was feeling. I was scared she'd tell Josh and they'd conspire against me to stop me being on the tour.

The truth was, as terrified as I might have been, touring with Josh and Tyler and Jenna and the crew was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I was so lucky to be in the position that I was, where I was doing my dream job and travelling the world alongside the man I loved. I just had to get back into the swing of it. 

I felt Jenna stir next to me, and suddenly her hand was holding mine. She squeezed my fingers reassuringly. 

"I know how you feel, y'know? I've been grabbed by fans. It scared me. Hell, they still scare me now. But I can't avoid them. They're Ty's life. And I'm here to support him, so I stay and I deal with the fans, even though I'm afraid they'll try to hurt me again. 

"I know it's hard, but you just have to remember that we're all going to do as much as we can to ensure it doesn't happen again. Ninety-nine percent of the people we meet are angels, sometimes we just bump into someone who isn't as nice. 

"No one will judge you if you decide that you can't do this anymore. We'll all understand. We'll miss you, but we know that it's your choice to make, and your safety and wellbeing comes first. Maybe someone should have had this chat with you before you came back on tour."

I chucked quietly. 

"Nah, thanks Jenna, but I'm here to stay. I'm not running away from this."

I felt her squeeze my hand again. 

"Good. Now, we're stopping for food soon so get ready for the boys to devour everything in sight. They've been arguing over that damn game for ages so I'm sure they've built up an appetite." 

We both laughed before Jenna slid out of my bunk. 


A/N - I AM SO SORRY GUYS. I have left this for way too long. I'm terrible and I hope you can all forgive me. 

How are you all doing? I'm in the middle of some crazy assignments for my final year of university but I'm muddling through. Anyone else in the same boat? 

I think we'll probably have to come to an end soon, but if anyone has any ideas please hmu. 

I love you all :) 

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