Part 5

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The next day is my first official day of work. As soon as I wake up from my hour of sleep, a camera was thrusted into my hands. 

"This is your new best friend. You take it everywhere you go, and you go everywhere the boys go. If they're doing anything worth noting, you take pictures. So they could be doing a show, or meeting fans, or playing Mario Kart, but you're to take photos to go with the blog that I want you to write." Mark must've seen the shocked look on my face because he quickly laid a comforting hand on my arm. "It's not a daily blog, just weekly, but it's probably easier for you to write a little bit each night." 

I nodded, calming down when I realised I wasn't going to have to write a thousand words just to explain that the boys had played video games all day. 

"That's your main job, but we may ask for help filming things, like the highlight videos, or just to update social media. Is that all okay?"

"Absolutely," I smiled. 

I'd never been more relieved that part of my Journalism course had revolved around how to take decent photographs than now. And I already had my own personal blog, so I was determined that everything asked of me was reasonable. 

I grabbed my toiletry bag from my suitcase which was under my bunk. Luckily the bathroom was empty, so I took a quick shower and threw my red hair into a bun on top of my head after quickly towel drying it. I brushed my teeth and quickly got dressed, my usual attire of skinny jeans and a band t-shirt suiting me just fine. I had been given a 'crew' t-shirt, but was told this was more for when the boys were doing shows, and I needed to be distinguished easily in venues. 

I decided against wearing any make-up, knowing that due to the current spring weather I'd probably just sweat it off. 

Walking out of the bathroom, I almost hit a bare chest. I stopped abruptly, looking up to see Josh tiredly smiling at me. I hurriedly apologised, but he just sleepily shook his head and told me not to worry. 

I stepped aside so that he could walk into the bathroom, but he paused next to me. 

"You look really nice." 

I blushed, not used to being complimented by guys. The truth was, I wasn't one of those girls who hated the way they looked. I just didn't tend to get a lot of attention from any of the men I knew, usually because at university they were all a few years younger than me. Most of the boys in my year at uni still partied at the student union every night and tried to sleep with every warm blooded female they laid their eyes on. I wasn't included as I didn't follow that scene, and I tended to stick with Emilia as much as possible. Emilia was the one that attracted all of the male attention between the two of us, which I was okay with. She had long brunette hair, almost always straightened within an inch of its life, and dazzling green eyes. 

We'd met when we had both first started the course in our first year. We'd been the only two people over the age of 20, and had hit it off almost straight away. Emilia had started university late, just as I had, but only because she came from a strict family who had wanted her to do a law degree. She'd done it to make them happy, passed with flying colours, and then decided that she was done being the perfect daughter. She'd always wanted to work in fashion, but loved to write, so doing a Journalism degree seemed like the perfect option. 

She'd texted me last night, asking me how it was going. I'd let her know that I was fine, and getting on really well with the band and crew. The rest of the crew were all really friendly and easy to get along with, although they all shared another bus. 


The tour wasn't due to start until a few days later, and the guys had decided that they wanted to do something fun before they started playing shows. It had been explained to me that show days were busy, busy, busy. Whenever they had a show to play, they had to be there as early as possible, so that the crew could set up and they band could soundcheck and rehearse as much as possible. Although their shows were always set up the same way, each venue was different and everyone needed to know the ins and outs of the location as much as possible, in order for the performance to go on without a hitch. 

So in order to make the most of their free day, it was decided that we'd all go bowling.

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