Part 23

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We made it back to the bus, and walked in, our hands gripping each other's tightly. 

Jenna, Tyler, Mark and Michael were all sat on the couches, awaiting our arrival. 

They all just smirked at us. 

"Michael and Mark owe us twenty dollars each," was all Tyler said, a huge grin on his face.

Josh laughed and raised an eyebrow. "You made a bet?" 

"Michael and I didn't think you'd actually tell her. But we were wrong." Mark handed over a few bills from his pocket, and then went to his bunk to sulk. 

Michael followed his retreating form, so it was just us girls with the band. 

Tyler slapped Josh on the back. "You got the girl!"

Josh looked at me, his lips quirking upwards in a smile. "Yeah, I did."


Nothing really changed in the following days, except Josh and I kissed more, but only in the privacy of the bus. We didn't want to risk the fans finding out, and hating on me anymore than they already did. 

I continued with my job, and Josh continued with his. Tyler, Jenna and the rest of the crew all treated us like normal, so everything was fine. 

It was one of our days off, and Josh strolled up to where I was sitting on one of the couches, typing away on my laptop. He pulled one of hands from behind his back, and passed me a bouquet of freesias. I held them to my nose and sniffed, smiling at the fragrance. I looked up at Josh.

"What are these for?" 

He grinned at me. 

"I'm taking you on a date."

I looked down at what I was wearing. I had a black, high waisted skater skirt on, with a white t-shirt tucked in, and black Doc Martens on my feet. My hair was tied into a half ponytail at the top of my head. 

"Do I need to change?"

Josh shook his head. 

"Nope, you look perfect, as per usual."

He shot me a wink as I swatted at him, blushing. 

"Now, come on, let's go."

He pulled me up by my hands, and kissed me on the cheek. I noticed he was just wearing a plain white t-shirt with a large grey sweater over top, and his usual skinny jeans. It wasn't fair, he always looked so effortlessly good. 

"Have you finished undressing me with your eyes?"

I punched him in the arm. 

"I'm not going on this date anymore."

"You don't have a choice." He picked me up bridal style and yelled goodbye over his shoulder to the others. 

After about two minutes of walking with me in his arms, I asked to be put down. 

"As much as I love being carried, my skirt is quite short and I don't want to flash anyone. Knowing my luck, someone would get a picture and it'd be posted all over Twitter."

Josh chuckled. 

"Where are we going, anyway?"

"You're so impatient. Just trust me, okay?"

A taxi was waiting for us around the corner, and we hopped in. 

I jiggled my leg impatiently, so Josh held onto my thigh to stop me. Due to the fact that I was wearing a skirt, his hand was on my bare leg. He started to rub soothing circles into my skin with his thumb.

The taxi suddenly stopped, meaning that Josh had to remove his hand from my leg. Luckily we climbed out of the car before Josh could see my frustrated blush.

We were stood outside of a large aquarium. I couldn't help but start jumping up and down in excitement, my hair bouncing around my shoulders. Josh laughed at me. 

"Let's go inside before you spontaneously combust."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside, trying to stay still whilst he paid for two tickets. 

As soon as he'd got them, I dragged him towards the entrance, not caring that I looked like an excited five year old.

Josh humoured me, letting me lead him around the displays, all full of fish and marine animals.

I glanced over at Josh, who was looking up at the jellyfish in awe. He was cast in a blue shadow, from the lights shining off the large tanks. I walked closer to him and hugged him around the waist, Josh kissing my hair before we moved along to the next room.

Behind the glass of the next room was a lot of snow and ice, penguins and seals jumping between the water and the land. I giggled at the waddling movements, and Josh pulled me to a door beside the glass.

A woman checked our tickets and let us through, into the icy room. I shivered, and watched as Josh pulled off his sweater and passed it to me, leaving him in just a t-shirt.

"You're going to get cold," I complained.

"You're already cold."

I pouted but pulled the sweater over my head. It completely drowned me, but it was super warm and smelled of Josh.

I noticed Josh laughing at me in the corner of my eye.

"You look ridiculously adorable right now, but it also looks as if the jumper is the only thing you're wearing."

He was right. The jumper fell past the bottom of my skirt.

I shrugged, and a cheery woman walked over to us, wearing an aquarium uniform and carrying a bucket.

"You ready to feed our little pals?"

I clapped my hands in delight and nodded vigorously.

I reached into the bucket, pulling out a dead fish. Walking slowly over to one of the penguins, I held out the fish in my hand and watched happily as the penguin gobbled it up.

I grinned wildly at Josh, who was feeding a seal beside me.

"This is the coolest thing I've ever done." I exclaimed, kissing his cheek. 

"Even cooler than working for your favourite band and seeing them live every night?"

"Even cooler than that."

Josh feigned being offended, so I slapped him with the fish in my hand before throwing it to an awaiting seal. 

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