Part 9

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The moment had gotten so serious, that when I started laughing out of nowhere, Josh jumped in surprise. He looked at me, worry and confusion in his features.

"Are you okay?"

I laughed again. "I'm sorry, it's just that you were trying so hard for me not to see the hair dye, but it's all over your chest."

He looked down, and sure enough, there was bright blue hair dye on his torso.

He playfully pushed on my shoulder.

"Oh, ha ha, very funny. Now get out, I need to shower."

I left the room, and shut the door behind me, giggling slightly. I leant against the bunks, just scrolling through my phone whilst I waited. I didn't want to get hair dye anywhere else, but I didn't want to go through to the lounge, where all the others were. 

I didn't have to wait long before Josh walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

Trying not to stare at his almost naked body, I slid past him into the bathroom to start my own shower.

I laughed again, noticing how there were splashes of purple hair dye all over the shower walls. I quickly ran the water and washed the dye out of my own hair, before cleaning up the mess, drying off, and pulling my clothes back on. I wrapped the towel around my head like a turban and walked out of the bathroom, jumping when I realised that there was a body directly outside of the door.

Josh was looking through Instagram, which reminded me. 

"Josh, I need to take a photo. For the blog."

I grabbed the camera off my bunk, and quickly snapped a few posed photos of Josh, mostly of him growling or pulling faces. 

"Well, I need a photo of us. For snapchat. Has anyone officially welcomed you to the crew? On social media?"

I shook my head. 

"I don't think so, but it doesn't matter."

Josh looked offended. "Of course it does! You're part of the family, therefore a selfie is required by law to go up on Twitter immediately."

I sighed and shook my head, amused by the purple headed band member in front of me.

"Now get that towel off your head, and come here."

I gently unwrapped the towel and quickly brushed my fingers through the damp strands. Josh stood next to me and bared his teeth at his phone, so I puffed out my cheeks and crossed my eyes as much as possible.

Josh began typing away at his phone, pausing only to ask for my Twitter username. 

My phone vibrated in my hand second later, followed by another vibration.

@joshuadun has followed you 

@joshuadun: new recruit and hair dye pal @lizziegrooms

The tweet had the photo of us attached, and I saved it to my phone.

My phone suddenly went crazy as a flood of follows and mentions came in. I quickly turned off my Twitter notifications, my eyes wide at the speed of which these people were reacting. 

Josh was amused by my surprised face.

"You'll get used to it. Just, do me a favour and don't read too many comments on your social media. Chances are you'll get a bit of negativity, but these people don't know you. Ignore them as much as possible."

I nodded.

"Okay. Now, for the big reveal!"

He took my arm and led me into the lounge where Jenna and Tyler were, along with Michael and Mark. 

"Liz! You look so beautiful!" Jenna gushed from beside Tyler. 

There were a chorus of agreements.

"It looks sick!"

"You did a good job of Josh's hair."

"You both look awesome!"

I smiled and thanked them all, sitting down next to Mark on one sofa, whilst Josh placed himself next to Tyler, opposite me.

"Who fancies a game of Mario Kart?"


After beating each person at the game and taking a heap more photos, I took to writing my blog again. I wrote about the hair dye and the Mario Kart, and put all of the writing and photos with my earlier work about the bowling. I passed my laptop onto Mark who read it and smiled.

"It's perfect! We'll keep you!"

After a chorus of, "we wanna see!" the blog post was read by everyone else. Each time, it was approved of, and the grin on my face kept growing, as did my blush. 

Jenna patted my leg. "You've got such a way with words, Liz. Your sense of humour is also perfect, you made me laugh again even though I was there when it actually happened!"

Tyler agreed. "The fans are going to love this."

As I saved the blog post and closed down my laptop, everyone bid me goodnight and went off to their bunks. It was late, and dark outside of the bus. 

Even though I knew I wouldn't sleep, I made my way to my own bunk and lay down, a huge smile on my face. 

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