Part 6

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We walked into the bowling alley, and I was surprised that it was completely empty. Jenna linked her arm with mine.

"We'll quite often have places booked out for us. It just means that we can go out and actually have fun, without worrying about being mobbed."

Jenna was obviously used to the tour lifestyle, what with being married to Tyler and constantly being with him. Like she'd said the day before, I was immensely glad that there was another woman on tour, or else I might have gone mad. 

As our names were all entered into the score board, I started taking photographs. The whole crew was aware of my job, so it made it so much easier. I took photos of Jenna laughing on Tyler's lap, and members of the crew sharing jokes with each other. The game started, and I took pictures of people taking their shots. 

When it got to Josh's turn, I snapped a quick photo of him getting ready to aim the ball. He turned around, however, and held his phone out to me. 

"Can you snapchat this for me?" He almost looked bashful as I took the iPhone from him and giggled. 

He took his shot, bowling the ball straight down the gutter. 

Everyone laughed, including me, as Josh pouted. 

"It's not my fault! It was the pressure of being filmed!" 

We all continued to laugh, Josh joining in. 

It was my turn next, so I placed the camera on one of the benches, not worried about it being stolen by any of the crew members. 

I took one of the lighter bowling balls, slotting my fingers into the holes. I took aim, and scored a strike. 

I heard cheers and applause ring from behind me as I turned and ducked into a small curtsy, before moving out of the way for Tyler to take his go. 

Tyler only managed to hit a few pins down, and turned to me when his go was over, sticking his tongue out at the camera, allowing me to snap a picture of his silly face. 

I grinned as I took more photos of the band and crew joking around. I was really enjoying myself, even though I was still technically working. 

Josh walked over and slung an arm around my shoulders. He smelled subtly of a cologne I didn't know the name of, and washing powder. 

"Are you enjoying yourself?" He asked, genuinely looking as if he was interested in my answer. 

"It's only my first day, give me a couple more days to make up my mind," I slightly laughed, moving the camera down from my face to look him in the eye.

He nodded and gestured to the technology in my hand. "May I?"

I pulled the strap from around my neck and passed him the camera. He pushed some buttons, looking through the gallery. He smiled softly. 

"These are really good."

"Thank you. I had to do a photography module for my course."

He looked up at me to prove he was listening, before raising the camera to his face and turning towards Mark, who was currently bowling. He passed the camera back, but not before snapping a few photos of Mark, and then one of me.

"Hey, I'm the photographer, not the photographee!"

"Photographee?" He laughed heartily. "We're going to enjoy having you on tour." 

He stalked off to take his shot as I blushed, hiding behind the camera screen as I carried on taking photos. 


We all walked out of the bowling alley laughing, Jenna in between Tyler and I as she held my arm. 

"Where did that come from? You completely obliterated all of us! I'm telling you, there are going to be several men nursing their egos after you beat us all like that!"

She was right, most of the crew were walking ahead of me, occasionally turning their heads to glare at me and pout before stalking off again. I'd won by a landslide, scoring several strikes during the course of the game. 

I laughed with her. 

"I am obviously just a natural talent." I grinned, before chuckling gently. "No, I just worked at a bowling alley for some extra cash a while ago. I've had a lot of practice, and as the saying goes, practice makes perfect." 

Josh, who had been walking beside Mark, stopped in order for us to catch up to him. 

"Mark has asked me to tell you that he's not talking to you for the rest of the day as you beat him at the only game he's good at."

I laughed. "Can I quote that in my blog?" 

Josh shrugged and laughed with me. "You'd have to ask him, but as he's not talking to you..."

"NO!" Mark yelled from the front of the group. 

Everyone laughed at him as he sulked. 

We made it to the buses, Mark immediately cheering up when he got inside. He placed his hands on my shoulders, putting on the most serious face he could manage. 

"I forgive you. Just let us know of any other hidden talents so that we can be prepared to lose, okay?"

I chuckled and agreed, before grabbing my laptop to start writing a quick recap of the bowling game before I forgot any details.

When everyone else was on the bus, we started moving towards the first venue. The plan was that we'd stop for food when everyone was hungry, and then travel through the night to the first venue. 

I had settled on one of the couches and hooked up the camera to the laptop so I could sort through which images I wanted to use for the blog. 

I asked Mark if he could sit with me and give me some pointers for what he wanted on the blog. He'd already set me up an admin account so that I was free to put things straight onto the webpage, as it was easier to see what the finished result would be like if I could put it straight onto the page. We sat there for an hour as he went through the pictures with me, suggested some edits that could be made, and helped me work out what style of writing to use. 

I felt much more at ease now that I knew exactly what I was doing. Follow the band around, take photographs, write about it, post on Sundays. 

I was ready.

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