Part 30

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It was a week before Christmas, and I was curled up in bed, wearing Josh's sweater. I had been awake for a few minutes, but couldn't find the motivation to get up just yet. 

I missed Josh, and the only contact I'd had from him was via Skype. Each time, I'd chatted about the tour and asked about the others, who would usually stand in the background and butt into the conversation every now and then. 

Seeing Josh's face through the screen was great, but I wanted nothing more than to be properly enveloped in his embrace again. 

To take my mind off things, I had thrown myself into the Christmas spirit, helping my mum with shopping and decorating. I had recovered well, the gash on my head now a faint scar. 

"Liz?" Mum called from the living room.

"Yeah?" I called back, not bothering to get up from my cozy position in bed. 

"I'm going out to grab some shopping, do you want anything?"

I yelled back a no, and then went back to dozing as I heard the door open and close as my mum left.

A few minutes later, the front door opened again. Thinking mum must have forgotten something, I ignored it.

"Lizzie?" A familiar voice called. 

Only one person called me Lizzie. 

I leapt up, not caring that all I was wearing was a pair of shorts and Josh's sweater, which hung from my tiny frame. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, leaping into the arms of my boyfriend, who was standing in my living room. 

Josh caught me effortlessly, spinning me around before I crashed my lips to his, revelling in the familiar feel of his mouth against mine. Josh's hands held my thighs to prevent me from falling as he walked us over to the couch, and sat down so that I was straddling his legs. His hands moved under the jumper to my bare sides, whilst I fiddled with the hair at the nape of his neck. 

"I missed you so much," Josh mumbled between kisses.

"I missed you more," I pecked his lips, moving to kiss his chin and his cheeks, still in shock that he was actually here, with me. 

I pushed back. "But what are you doing here? You should be touring, or with your family! It's nearly Christmas!" 

Josh rubbed comforting circles into the skin on my hips. "I came to invite you to spend Christmas with my family. I know it's just you and your mum, and I want you to meet my family. My mum demanded that I ask."

"So you flew to England to ask me to go to America with you? You could have just asked me over Skype."

Josh blushed and mumbled. "I didn't want to go another day without seeing you."

I playfully pinched his cheeks. "Aww, Joshie!"

He batted my hands away and raised an eyebrow. "Joshie?"

I giggled and tucked my face into the crook between his neck and shoulder, placing small kisses on his skin. 

It felt so good to be in his arms again. I was pressed against his hard chest, his arms around my waist underneath the sweater.

"Is this mine?" He murmured. 

I nodded, even though it was difficult in my position. "I've barely taken it off."

Josh laughed. "That's gross!"

"I've washed it, idiot. Which means you need to wear it again so it will still smell of you."

"Are you not coming back on tour with us after Christmas?"

I sat up, placing my hands on Josh's chest as I searched his face, looking for any indication that he was joking. 

"You're serious? I can come back?" 

"Well, you've recovered, and the guys and Jenna miss you, and you're damn good at your job. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't."

I squealed in excitement, and kissed Josh again, who happily reciprocated. 

Josh was the first to pull back. "So, if you're coming back on tour, you can steal all of my clothes."

I pushed at Josh's shoulders playfully. "Hey! I didn't steal anything in the first place!"


When mum returned, we all set to packing, as our flight was due for the next day. 

Josh and I were in my room, and I'd changed into jeans and a twenty one pilots t-shirt, just to take the piss. 

"It's super cute that you were a fan first," Josh laughed, sitting on the bed next to my suitcase. I was currently stuffing everything I needed for Christmas and beyond into my bags. 

"I still can't believe that you flew here, just to fly back tomorrow. You're crazy."

"Yeah, I'm crazy in lo..."

I threw a pillow at his face to stop him from finishing his sentence. 

"That is enough cheese for one day, thank you."

He threw the pillow back, and suddenly there was a full on pillow war in my bedroom. 

I dodged and hit him when I can, and then let out a warrior cry as I held a pillow above my head, running towards Josh and jumping to smack the cushion over his face. 

He was too fast, however, and caught my wrists in his hands. My momentum kept me going and I ended up on top of Josh, who landed on his back on my bed. Our noses brushed, breaths fanning across the other's lips. 

Josh brushed a stray hair from my face with his fingertips, before drawing me in to place a kiss on my lips. It was soft and warm, and he tasted of the mint gum that he was constantly chewing. 

It was nothing more than a peck, but when he pulled away, I still felt breathless. 

Josh grinned up at me.

"I love you."

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