Part 24

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We were walking to a quiet restaurant, having gone back to the bus to shower and change.

Josh had his arm wrapped securely around my waist, stroking a bare patch of skin on my side. My dress was navy blue with white lace around the bottom and the neckline, and small sections cut out of the sides near my waist. I had on small black heels, making me match Josh in height. 

We entered the restaurant, Josh holding the door open for me and then pulling out a chair at our table. I sat down as he sat across from me, resting his elbows on the table and placing his chin on top of his hands. 

"You look beautiful. You always look beautiful, but tonight..."

I cut him off. 

"You don't scrub up too badly either." 

He was wearing his usual skinny jeans, but with a white button up shirt tucked into his trousers. His hair, however, was still a mess on top of his head, and I loved it just the way it was. 

A waiter came to take our drinks order, and we both just asked for coffee.


I looked up from the food menu to see Josh staring at me intently. 

"I really love you."

I blushed. "I love you too, Josh."

He smiled, and then the waiter came back with our coffee and to take our food orders. 

Josh ordered a burger and fries and then the waiter turned to me.

"And for your lovely girlfriend?"

I raised an eyebrow, but ordered the same as Josh anyway.

The waiter walked away once more, and I turned to Josh.

"Girlfriend, huh?"

Josh shrugged. "Yeah?"

"I don't recall you ever asking." I teased. 

Josh sighed. "Fine. Without trying to sound like a ten year old asking a girl out in the playground, will you be my girlfriend?"

I giggled and shrugged. "I suppose."

"You suppose?"

I laughed. "Yeah, I suppose."

"God, Lizzie, if we weren't in public right now I would tickle the heck out of you. You're so mean to me."


By the time we made it back to the bus, it was already late. We almost instantly went to bed, cuddling up under the covers.

I looked up at Josh in the dark. 

"Thank you so much for today. I loved every minute."

"It was a lot of fun. And thanks for kind of agreeing to be my girlfriend."

I laughed. "Kind of?"

Josh pecked my forehead. "You didn't explicitly say yes."

I buried my face in his chest, trying to muffle my giggles. 

"Oh my God, would you like me to spell it out for you?"

"Yes please." 

I sat up in the small bunk, staring straight at the silhouette of Josh's face. 

"Joshua William Dun, it would give me the absolute greatest pleasure to be your girlfriend."

He pulled me back down and kissed me. 

"You're a dork."

"You love it."


It was another show day, and I was stood in front of the stage, taking pictures of Tyler playing the bass for Ride. I was bopping to the beat of the song, and as Josh came off the stage to get onto the crowd, he paused in front of me to allow me to take a picture. He climbed onto the pad to play, when suddenly I felt a pain in the back of my head. 

Someone had grabbed my ponytail and yanked me back, and then without warning I was shoved forwards, and I smacked my head on an amp. All the voices around me went fuzzy, as did my vision. I vaguely recognised the fact that I was on the floor and that my head felt wet before everything went black. 

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