Part 2

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I'd spent the last week freaking out. As soon as I'd gotten home I'd yelled at my mum that I wouldn't be able to do it. As I stood there ranting and raving she'd calmly taken the piece of paper from my trembling hands and skimmed it over.

"This is that band you like, right?"

"Well, obviously! Do you think I'd be stood here yelling if I didn't like them? How on Earth am I supposed to work with them for two MONTHS without fainting every time I see them?!"

Mum glared at me so I shut up, breathing heavily.

"Okay," she started. "First of all, don't raise your voice at me. Secondly, if this is what you want to do as a future career, you're going to have to keep your cool around plenty of famous people. So, I suggest you calm down, remember they are normal people, just with an abnormal amount of fans. Okay?"

I nodded silently, too scared to mess with her when she had that "don't you dare argue with me" look in her eyes.

"Now, just remember that this is your dream. This is what you've wanted to do since you were a little girl. Your dream is coming true, Lizzie! I'm so proud of you."

I jumped into my mums arms, hugging her tightly.

"Thank you mum," I mumbled into her shoulder.

"You're welcome. Now, come on, I'll help you pack."


It was the day I was meant to meet the band. The day I was meant to leave my home behind for two months and tour Europe with the band that saved my life.

My mum had driven me to the airport, where the band and crew were supposed to meet me after arriving in the UK. I'd been given all the information by their manager, who had emailed me with dates and times and a couple of contracts that I had to read over.

The plan was that I met everyone at the airport, where their tour bus would be waiting. I'd be sharing the bus with the band, rather than the majority of the crew, seeing as my job on the tour was to keep up with their doings at all times, and write about it when necessary.

To say I was terrified was an understatement. Their plane was due any moment now, and in minutes I'd be stood in front of the two most influential people in my life.

I tried to back out.

"Mum, I can't do this. I can't meet them. I can't work with them. I'm going to faint. Mum, please. Can we leave? I'm going to throw up. What if they're awful? What if they hate me?"

I turned to run, but my mum grabbed my arm before I could get anywhere. She held both of my arms firmly, and stared straight at me.

"Lizzie. I know you're scared. I know that these people have helped you in more ways than they could understand, and I know that with that, there comes a fear that they won't be what you've made them out to be. I get it, okay? But how are you going to find out if they're truly the men that saved your life if you don't meet them?"

I took a deep breath and realised that she was right. I had a lot to thank them for, and so I was going to prove how grateful I was by being the best damn PR they could ever have wished for.

"Thanks mum. I love you." I hugged her tightly, sniffling slightly when I remembered that I wouldn't see her for two months. It seemed like a short time, but I hadn't been away from her for that long before. Plus with me gone, she'd be all alone.

My mum leant back and wiped away a few stray tears from my cheeks.

"Besides," she whispered. "I want to meet the men who brought my daughter back to me."

I was about to start sobbing again, but then I suddenly noticed the group of people walking through the "Arrivals" gate.

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