Chapter 5

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Right now Harry and I were sitting in my living room playing twenty questions

"Favorite animal?" He asked

"Cats. Yours?"

"Same. Favorite food?"

"Mac an cheese, yours?"

"Pizza" He said simply

So far the only deep thing I got close to knowing about Harry is that his dad left when he was younger.

"So what do you want to do now?" I asked

"I have a couple of ideas." He smirked

"Your such a perv knock it off." I laughed punching his arm. He put his hands up in defense.

"We could watch movies on my portable DVD player" I suggested

He thought for a minute "Alright that sounds good, I'll help you find it." He said getting up. I led him up to my room to look for movies and the DVD player. "You look for movies and I'll look for the DVD player, okay?" He just nodded and the search began.


Once we finally found everything I went to the closet to get blankets and pillows. I chucked them on the couch and went to get two sodas. When we finally settled in we started deciding on witch movie to watch. "How about The Hobbit?" I suggested. He just shrugged so I took that as a yes. Throughout the movie I found Harry looking at me a couple of times. If I caught him he would quickly look away. Towards the middle, I looked up and saw Harry staring. This time nether of us looked away. He started leaning in and I was frozen. Was he going to kiss me? He got closer. And closer, until our noses were touching. Once our lips touched I felt sparks. Sounds cheesy right? But true. I've never felt like that before.... When I realized what was happening, I pulled away. "Um I'm gonna go to er bed uh good night" I said quickly running upstairs.

I laid there staring up at my ceiling when I heard a light knock on my door.

"Come In" I said. Harry walked in and sat on the end of my bed


"Hi" I replied . We just sat there for a while not knowing what to say.

"Look I'm sorry..." He started but I cut him off.

"It's fine" I stated. He looked at me did a small smile.

"You're.. you're differn't than the rest.." He said quietly

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You're just so.. innocent, and no girl has ever made me feel that way before.. the way you just did." he said looking at my eyes. I didn't know what to say. "Alex.." He started with a sigh "I don't want you to.. get hurt."

"How would I get hurt?" I questioned, puzzled.

"I'm not a very nice man I guess you could say.." He said trailing off. For some reason I had the urge to hug him, so I did. He looked at me with a surprised look.

"I don't know it looked like you needed a hug" I shrugged. We both went back downstairs and got something to eat.

"Mrs. Mccan, will you allow me the honor of going on a date with you?" He asked teasingly, the heavy mood lifting.

"Of course Mr. Styles." I said with a light smile.

(Again sorry for the short chapters and sorry this one is pretty lame I didn't have any Time at all)

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