Chapter 41

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Alex's POV

"Pssstt Alex!" Luke yelled/whispered.

"Pssssst what Luke?" I whispered back.

"Are they here?" he asked.

"Nope" I replied popping the p.

He soon came in dragging a blonde behind him.

"Alex, this is Cody, Cody, this is Alex." He said making us shake hands.

"Uhhhhh hi?" I said.

"Hi!" he said flashing a smile.

"How do you two know each other?" I questioned.

"Well our parents are like the managers of this thing." Cody explained. I realized he was American like me. I smiled and nodded indicting I understood.

"Well we brought you this knowing they didn't really feed you at all" Luke said pulling out a basket full of random food and drinks.

"OH.MY.GOSH!!!" I screeched grabbing the delicious food and shoving random stuff in my mouth.

"Woah, calm down!" Cody chuckled.

"Ahh but I love food and I like haven't eaten in like days!!" I almost yelled.

"Shhhh Alex." Luke laughed. I shrugged but continued eating anyway.

"Do you think she is still there?" My dads voice rang down the hallway.

"Of course! how would she even get out?!" Harry's dads voice boomed.

"Get out of here quick!" I whispered loudly.

Luke looked around in panic and his eyes landed on the window. He grabbed the food but hid water and a snack under my mattress. He dragged Cody to he window as he shoved him out. As the window closed, Harry's dad and mine walked in.

"What are you doing little bitch?" My dad snickered.

"Nothing" I said trying to keep my posture.

"SHUT UP!!" Harry's dad voice boomed and echoed off the walls.

Oh shit I'm in trouble......... I mean, when am I not?


Harry's POV

I carefully tucked the paper in my pocket and made my way downstairs. The boys can't know about this right now....... I will have to tell ten a little while later.

"Are you alright mate?" Niall asked slinging an arm around my shoulder. I nodded slowly and walked to the kitchen to receive a drink.

"We found a couple of things that might be useful." Zayn said.

"What are they?" I asked quietly.

"Well the town they're in is Moores town." He explained. I nodded slightly as he explained what the cars had looked like and a bunch of other slightly useful stuff.

I pretend to listen to him as I thought about a plan forming in my head.

And that little slip of paper was ever so important to it.


Louis' POV

I burst out into tears and hysterics after reading the article.

The boys trying to calm me down as Harry suddenly ran upstairs. I started to angry and punched he wall, knocking down vases and anything in reach. I cried out smashed glass around until I finally broke. After my little explosion Niall and Liam sat with me until I calmed myself down.

This couldn't be happening!! My sweet little Alex. This just can't happen!! I put my head in my hands and let the last of the tears stream down my face.

Harry came down looking calmer than expected and headed towards us.

"You alright mate?" Niall asked slinging an arm around his shoulder.

He slowly nodded and headed towards the kitchen.

Well that was strange.....

I can tell something is up.......

(Sorry it's short:( Im really tired AND I HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW!! I don't want to go:( I hate it:( But on the bright side I finally got to see Catching Fire!! It was awesome!!! So any suggestions votes or comments welcomed!! It would be awesome if you could suggest what the slip of paper should be too ;) So....... MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!)

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