Chapter 6

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Hey guys I'm so sorry I had major writers block! Plus I was on vacation! I will start updating more!!


I woke up laying on Harry's chest. I smiled to myself as I remembered what happened last night. He asked me out. Wow never saw that coming. I tried getting out I his grasp but he just held on tighter. "Harrrry" I whined. He just chuckled in response. "I need to take a shower!" I complained . Just like that he was wide awake.

"Can I join?!" He asked like a child.

"No you perv!" I laughed.

"Awwwww." He whined. I laughed loudly, and ran up the stairs.


When I was done getting ready I smelt eggs and bacon. I wandered down stairs to find Harry cooking breakfast.

"Aw Haarrryyy you didn't have to!" I cooed.

"Yes I did" He smiled showing his dimples.

He handed me a plate with eggs, toast, and bacon. he served himself a plate and we began eating. We goofed off throwing I little piece of food at each other and almost choking on our food laughing so hard. When we were finished I got up to do the dishes.

"Nope I got them." Harry said.

"Harry, you made the delicious breakfast the least I can do is clean!" I exclaimed.

"No you go relax I got it." he said shooing me out of the kitchen. I ended up watching the Soccer game.

" Go Go GO!!!!" I screamed at the T.V.

I heard a low chuckle behind my back...... my cheeks burned from embarrassment as I slowly turned my head to see Harry leaning on the door frame. He hopped on the couch spot next to me an smiled.

"I found that adorable."

"O-okay" I said looking embarrassed

We watched the rest of the game in silence. When it was I've Harry turned to me.

"Are you excited for our date? Looks like the storm is over." He asked.

I looked out the window, and sure enough it looked calm and peaceful out.

"Yeah I'm excited." I smiled.

For the next couple of hours we talked about random things. Anything that came to mind we said. To my dismay Harry had to leave around 3:00pm .

"I will pick you up at 6:00" Harry said

"What do I wear?" I asked

"Wear something fancy." He winked , kissed my check and headed out the door.

I can't believe I'm going on a date with Harry....... Harry Styles! The bad boy, the troublemaker!! When it came around time I started getting ready. I put own a black dress that goes just above mid thigh. It had black glittery belt around the waste and the back had a heart showing my back. ( sorry not very good at describing dresses!) . I did my hair and makeup then the door bell rang exactly 6:00. I open the door to see Harry wearing I tux smirking.

"Like what you see babe?" He whispered in my ear.

"M-maybe." I squeaked. Wow this boy makes me crazy.

"You look beautiful." He smiled his amazing smile.

"Thank you" I smiled back.

"Shall we?" He asked hiding his hand out to take.

"We shall" I said taking his hand.

When we got to his black Range Rover. He opened the passenger door for me.

"Such a gentleman" I smiled.

He just chuckled and went to the drivers side. I couldn't help but smile. This was going to be amazing. Or so I thought.........

(Hey guys!! I will update every chance I get! I just started school and that's another reason why I've been so busy!! You know like homework, getting organized? So I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And I'm sorry if it's short! I'll try making them longer. Could I get a comment Of what you think so far? Thanks!)

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