Chapter 22

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We finally arrived at my house to see my moms car in the driveway.

"Okay Leave your window unlocked I'll climb up again." he said smiling. I nodded giving him a quick kisson the lips. I made my way to the front door. When I walked in my mom was watching a movie on the couch eating popcorn.

"Oh hey honey." she said giving me a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever!" she smiled warmly.

"I know mom." I said awkwardly.

"Would you like to watch Insidious 2 with me? it just started." she said.

"Uh I'm sorry mom I have to go to bed.... you know school." I explained. She nodded her head in understandment.

"Well.. goodnight sweety." She said giving me an awkward hug. I returned it hesitantly.

"uh..... goodnight." I said before running upstairs. I walked in to find nothing. But when I looked towards the window Harry was sitting on the roof in front of it staring at the sky. I grabbed a big blanket and opened the window. Once I was sturdy on the roof I threw the blanket over Harry. He looked startled at first but smiled soon after. I lay beside him and snuggled close. We gazed at the night sky for a while in silence.

"I want you to meet my mom soon." I said. He just smiled.

" I don't want to keep it a secret from her anymore...." I said. He looked down at me.

"Okay I understand... But when?" he asked.

"Ill ask her when she wants to meet you I guess." I said to him. He nodded in response.

"It's so beautiful" I whispered staring at the mesmerizing night sky.

"Not as beautiful as you." He said leaning in to kiss me. Cheesy, but cute.

Like all of the kisses we shared..... There were always sparks in the air. Yes, I know, that's also cheesy, but it's true.

"I love you so much Alex." he said looking into my blue eyes.

"I love you so much too." I said gazing into his green ones.

The whole night we talked about everything and anything. But then I saw something that made me want to throw up.

Harry's dad.

He was standing under the streetlight across the street.

"Harry." I whimpered. He whipped his head in the direction I was pointing and he went a little pale.

"That son of a bi...." I cut him of.

"Watch the language mister." I said poking his chest. He rolled his eyes.

"We need to move so he doesn't see us." Harry whispred.

"Okay." I said.


Harry's POV

I picked Alex and the blanket up and started towards her window.

"You know I can walk." she said.

"I feel like your safer in my arms." I said to her.

She almost awed but caught herself. Three words. Uh Harry get your thoughts together deal with the task at hand. I carried her through the window and gently placed her on her bed.

"Thank you Harry." she said. I smiled down at her and nodded. I shut the door and turned the lights out. I lay beside her and she wrapped her small arms around my body. I wrapped my arms around her too.

"Can you sing Harry?" she asked.

"Uhh....." I didn't know what to say.

"Please?" She asked. Okay just for her.

"Fine" I said. she smiled and started playing with my hair.

"Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes but it's the only thing that I know when it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes It's the only thing that makes us feel alive." I started the song Photograph by Ed Sheeran I remembered off the top of my head.

By the time I finished her soft snores filled the room.

"I love you Alex." I said kissing the top of her head.

Soon I fell into a sleep with a beautiful girl in my dreams..

and her name was Alex

(I hope you liked it! I worked pretty hard to get my homework done so I could write I little more on this chapter! tell me what you think! Any suggestions or comments are welcomed!)

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