Chapter 20

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Harry's POV

Holy fuck..... He found this house?! I looked at Alex and she looked just as shocked as I was. She even looked scared. My dad had an evil smirk on his face staring at my girlfriend. I pulled her close to me and she fisted the fabric of my T-shirt.

"Aw is Harry's little girlfriend scared?" He said with a smirk. He took a step towards her and I took a step back with her behind me.

"Don't touch her." I growled. Zayn and Louis looked shocked too. They know what happened with my dad but have never seen him. Louis had a frying pan, ready to swing if necessary. My dad looked ready to fight too.

"Now now, that's no way to talk to your father." He said.

"You were never my father." I spat at him. He chuckled.

"Now Harry you don't want to get in trouble with me." He said.

"I'm not afraid of you!" I said raising my voice. Alex was trembling behind. I could tell she about ready to start crying.

"You should be." He said taking steps towards me and Alex. I panicked then remembered....... I looked at Louis and nodded. He quickly took action and swung the frying pan, my dad landed on his face. THANK GOSH FOR LOUIS!!!

"Thank you!" I said to Louis he nodded and smiled a slight smile. I instructed Zayn to comfort her while I get my dad away from here, I dragged him towards my car since I didn't see his and drove as far away as possible, dropped him off passed out and left.

As soon as i got to Alex's house I hugged Her tightly. She cried in my arm while I held her close. Zayn and Louis even joined after a while. They don't understand though... My dad is after her.... And he doesn't stop till he gets what he wants. We sat on the couch in silence for a while. I heard Alex's soft snores. I smiled down at her sadly and picked her up gently.

"You guys she told me you could sleep in the guest rooms." I told Zayn and Louis. They nodded and started up the stairs behind me. I walked into Alex's room and laid her on her bed. I started walking away when.....

"Stay." I heard her whisper. I smiled and turned back. I laid beside her and pulled her close to me. She snuggled closer. She was almost asleep when I heard her say something that made my heart skip a beat.

"I Love You Harry."

(How did you like it? Haha I have to share my computer sorry for short chapters:) any suggestions and comments are welcomed! Thanks for reading!)

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