Chapter 40

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Liam's POV

"Lads we have to get to work fast." Niall said. We nodded our heads in agreement.

We all split up. The plan was we weren't going to call right away..... We need to do research.

Harry and Niall at the computer.

Zayn and Louis on the laptop.

And me on my phone.

We eagerly sat there trying to get any useful information.

"Uh.... GUYS!!!" Niall screamed from the other room.

Zayn, Louis and I ran into the room to see Harry's face pale and emotionless.

Niall slowly motioned us over to read the screen and we did...... Louis literally broke down and cried.

This was bad....

Real bad....


Alex POV

"Uhgggggg." I groaned as I sat up.

This bed was killing me!! I means seriously..... if you going to keep me hostage would at least give me a more suitable place to stay? Like really?

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't know someone had opened the door and was standing next to me. I gulped and slowly looked up. The unfamiliar man looked down at me with a small smile.

"Please don't rape me." I squeaked out. This caused him to throw his head back and laugh.

"I'm not going to rape you." He chuckled. I let a breath I didn't know I was holding and looked back up at him.

"I'm Luke." He said sticking out his hand.

"Uhhhhh...... Alex" I said slowly shaking his hand.

"Not to be mean or anything...... But what do you want...?" I asked.

"Well I thought you needed company." He shrugged.

"Well what if they see you "Hanging" with me?" I questioned.

"Ummm... I'll pretend I'm yelling at you?" He said more like question.

"Okay?" I said. Well....... This is awkward.

"Sooooo what do you do here?" I asked. He thought for a moment debating on weather or not to tell me.

"Well..... my dad is kinda one of the bosses here...... so I was dragged in." He tried to explained.

"Ohhh, that makes more sense.

Right at that moment we heard laughing and talking coming down the hall. Luke quickly reacted.

"No never do that again!!" He screamed with a wink.

"I-I'm S-sorry." I stuttered playing along. My dad and Harry's walked in looking pleased.

"Nice job Luke." My dad smirked. Harry's dad nodded in agreement.

Luke winked with a smile before heading out the door.

"Lets get to the real deal....." My dad started.

"Your first client is in 6 days." Harry's dad finished. I almost fainted but held myself together.

Oh gosh....

Boys please come soon........


Harry's POV

We all split up to find some information before jumping in and not knowing what to do.

Niall and I at the computer.

Zayn and Louis on the laptop.

And Liam on his Iphone.

No more than 20 minutes later Niall and I come across A strange article. We clicked and saw pictures and posts.

WANTED: John Mccan and Trevor Styles

These two men have been accused of selling women's bodies for money. They have not been caught yet but sources say police are working on getting close to them. So far this month they have taken and estimated amount of 30 women. If you see any of these two please contact the police immediately.

My heart dropped as I Re-Read the article a couple of times before it finally kicked in. All the color drained from my face as Niall started calling the boys in. Once they were in they immediately looked at the computer, reading the article. After a couple of seconds Louis burst out crying. But I was too shocked and pained to do anything. The boys tried comforting me and Louis while I sat there blankly.

I stood up abruptly and ran out of the room.

"Harry where are you going?' Zayn called out. But I kept running to my room. I dragged my suitcase out from the closet and rapidly pulled things out of it till I came across what I was looking for.

I carefully pulled out the folded sheet of paper and opened it up.

This is how were going to save her.....

(Oops Cliffhanger :) I hope you enjoyed! I'M FINALLY ON THANKSGIVING BREAK!! I'm excited haha:D Well yeah....... Any Votes, Comments, or suggestions are welcomed!!!! Thank you for reading!!)

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