Chapter 23

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"Damn alarm!" I yelled smacking the snooze button. I heard a low chuckle from beside me and remember Harry was with me. My cheeks turned bright red and I hid myself under he covers. Harry pulled the blanket over his head to, now we were face to face.

"Good morning beautiful." He whispered.

"Morning." I smiled at him. He pulled me close and gave me a kiss.

"Alex get up!" My mom screamed banging on the door. My eyes widened in fear.

"Harry get in the closet! Don't ask questions just do it!" I whisper yelled. He nodded and sprinted towards the closet shutting the door lightly. Right after my mother walked in.

"You need to get up or you'll be late to school!" She yelled.

"Okay okay." I said ushering her out the door. She rolled her eyes and walked away. I locked the door behind in case she decided to come back.

"Okay Harry you can come out." I said.

He came out slowly checking to see if she was here.

"I need to get ready for school and you do too." I said to him getting out my clothes. He rolled his eyes reaching under my bed for his bag.

"I'll get changed in the bathroom." I said quickly bolting towards the door so Harry couldn't stop me.


"Ready to go?" Harry asked. I nodded and he smiled down at me.

"I'll meet you around the block okay?" He asked.

"Okay." I said before giving him a kiss on the lips. He jumped out the window an started climbing down. I chuckle and raised to get to my front door.

"Bye mom love you!!" I screamed.

"Wait I made you chocolate chip pancakes!" My mom screamed.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

I ran as fast as I could to the kitchen and saw a plate of them on the counter. I stuffed them in my mouth after putting syrup on them.

"Well someone is hungry....." My mom said.

"Mom....... I'm always hungry." I said.

"Yeah I know believe me." She laughed . I rolled my eyes an laughed with her.

"Thank you mom, love you." I said once I was done.

"Bye love you too." She said.

Well I know Harry is probably still waiting for me... oops

(Hoped you like it! Sorry I'm with family, it's not too long:) Any comments and suggestions are welcomed! Thank you for reading!)

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