Chapter 31

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Harry POV

"Curly boy!!!!" Louis called out.

"Yeah, Yeah in the kitchen." I said.

"What ya doinnn?" he asked.

"Cooking breakfast.....where's Alex?" I asked.

"She is still sleeping." he responded simply.

"Well I'm going to go wake her up." I said. "And don't eat the bacon!" I called out.

I made my way up the set of stairs to where Alex was sleeping. I knocked lightly before entering. Once I heard no answer, I opened the door. She looked like a little angel sleeping. So peaceful......unharmed.

"Babe you gotta wake up." I whispered in her ear. Her nose scrunched up adorably and her eyes fluttered open.

"Hi." she whispered.

"Hi" I whispered back smiling. "You have to get up baby" I said. She nodded. I started to walk away when she stopped me.

"Can you please carry me?" She asked. She looked at me with puppy dog eyes and I rolled my eyes playfully before walking over to her. I pulled her up over my back giving her a piggy back ride.

"Yay!" she cheered before kissing my cheek. I smiled before running towards the stairs. When I got to the kitchen I almost killed Louis.

"The bacon!" I yelled. Lou looked up like a dear in headlights.

"Oops?" he said. I grabbed the rest of the bacon out of his hand and shooed him out of the kitchen.

"Your making breakfast?" Alex asked and I nodded.

"Awwww Curly!" she said ruffling my hair. I found it absolutely adorable when she went 'awww'. Adorable.

"Thank youuuu." She said.

"No problem babe." I said.

"Remember when I first met you I hated when you called me 'Babe'?" she asked. I said yes and laughed with her.

"I can't believe it's already been so many months.." She said and I nodded agreed with her.

"I SMELL FOOD!!!!!" Niall screamed. Soon followed by running.

"Quick give me a plate before the monster comes!!" Alex yelled. I handed her a plate and she quickly sat at the table.

"Thank you." She said with food in her mouth.

"Your welcome." I said giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"FUSHA!!!!!" Lou screamed and ran into the fridge. This caused Alex to laugh so hard she almost choked.

"Louis what the hell?!" I asked.

"I don't even know anymore." He groaned.

"Hey guys." Liam said walking in.

"Hey" we replied back in unison.

"Yay now everyone's downstairs!!" Alex said.

"Wait what about Zayn?" Louis asked.

"Who's going to wake him up?" I asked.

"123 NOT IT!!!" Lou screamed. Everyone said not it except me......... I was to slow to react.... Now I have to wake up Zayn...

Oh Crap.........


"Zayn get uppp!" I graoned.

*Mumble mumble mumble*

"What?" I asked.

"NO!!!!" he yelled. I've been trying for like half an hour. Then I got an idea. The flower vase!! I ran over taking the flowers out and walking back to Zayn.

"Ill give you 5 seconds I said.

*No response*

"Alright....1......2.....3.....4..........5!!!!" I said before dumping the cold water on his head. He shot up.

"Dude what the hell?!!?" he yelled. "My hair!!!" he screamed.

"That's what you get." I smirked. He ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I laughed like an idiot at his face expression. It was priceless!!

Well at least he knows to wake up now!

(Heyy! Sorry it's short:( I don't have a lot of time anymore. I hope you enjoyed! Please tell me what you think! Any suggestions or comments welcomed! Thank you for reading!!)

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