Chapter 34

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"OH.MY.GOSH!!!!" I screamed hiding behind Harry. All the boys laughed except Harry.

"Shh it's okay babe." He said stroking my hair. This calmed me down but not for too long.

"It fucking came out of no where!!!" I yelled. Louis and Niall laughed while I scowled at them.

Yup they chose MaMa............ It was damn scary!!!

"We'll imma go get some Oreos!" I said running into the kitchen. When I got there I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I searched through the cabinets to find my Oreos. I didn't even have to look to know Niall was behind.

"Yes you can have some." I said before he could even make a sound. I turned around in time to see him happily skip over to the stools. Then Zayn came in.

"Can I please have some?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes you may have some." I said placing them in front of Niall, Zayn and I. Then of course Liam, Harry, and Louis walked in. Louis went to grab one but I smacked his hand away. He pouted at me.

"Only Niall and Zayn can have some." I said. Zayn and Niall cheered a little bit then went back to eating.

"But what about your boyfriend?" Harry pouted. I shook my head.

"Sorry Harry, first come first served." I said. He crossed his arms over his chest giving me a playful glare. I just shrugged eating my Oreos.

"HARRY!!" I loud voice boomed. Everyone froze. Harry and I looked at each other in shock.

His dad.

"Liam and Niall take Alex upstairs and hide!" Harry said quickly. I quickly went over to Harry and gave him a long kiss.

"I love you Harry." I said.

"I love you Alex." He said giving me one last kiss on the lips.

"I will keep you safe!" Harry called out before Liam and Niall dragged me upstairs.

Louis, Zayn, and Harry went towards the door. Well this escalated quickly.... We ran upstairs looking for a place to hide.

"Guys over here!" Niall whispered. He was pointing towards a...... Attic?! This is some hotel suit...... We pulled the ladder down and started climbing up. Once we got in, Liam pulled the ladder up so no one saw we came up here.

"Guys wait!" Louis whispered from below us. Liam put the ladder back down and Louis quickly came in shutting it behind him.

"Did Harry send you up?" Niall asked and he nodded. I started crying right then and there. Louis pulled me in to his chest and I gladly scooted over. I nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck while he comforted me.

"T-hings happened s-so f-fast." I managed to say. They all nodded there heads in agreement. We all went silent after that, me crying into Louis chest and him stroking my hair. Oh Lou is my best friend. I hugged him tighter and he did the same. You could hear yelling and screaming in the background which made me cry harder. Until Louis started singing to block out the noise.

"Hello, hello anybody out there? 'Cause I don't hear a sound. Alone, alone I don't really know where the world is, but I miss it now." (Echo by Jason Walker) He sang so it would block out the noise. He was amazing!!

He continue the song until the end.

"Thank you Louis." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled down at me and nodded.

"Your amazing by the way!" I said to him. He nodded a thank you but stayed quiet. I snuggled closer to him for comfort. Liam and Niall were sitting quietly. Then I noticed..... There's no more yelling..... No more screaming....

"COME ON OUT!!" Harry's dad roared. I flinched. Louis put his finger to his mouth signaling to be quiet. We nodded in response.

"COME OUT ALEX!!" Harry's dad boomed. Silent cries came out of me.

Louis wiped away the tears and held me in his arms.

"I WILL FIND YOU. YOUR PATHETIC BOYFRIEND CAN"T KEEP YOU SAFE FOREVER!!!!!!!" Was all I heard before the front door slammed. I sighed in relief. So did Louis, Niall, and Liam. I guess he gave up.

We stayed in the attic type room for another half hour making sure it was okay. We slowly crept out one by one, Louis was first to go see if it was okay. When he came upstairs he signaled for us to come down. I pretty much ran down stairs towards where I last saw Harry.

There he was.......

Covered in a pool of blood and knocked out.

All I heard was Zayn's groans in pain before I passed out once again. The sight of blood makes me sick.


Harry POV


That's all I saw right now.

All I remember was my "Dad" come in and Alex hiding...

Alex.... My beautiful girl... Will I ever see her face again? I heard small weeps and someone holding my hand.

"A-Alex?" I manged to choke out. It went silent.

"Harry?" She said below a whisper. No matter how hard I tried, my eyes would not open. She was quiet for a little while. But then like a miracle....

I pried my eyes open.

A look of reliefment, excitment and happineess crossed her face. She kissed me on the lips and I gladly excepted. She hugged me lighlty knowing I was hurt.

"NURSE!" She yelled. Witch caused me to chuckle. A nurse came scurrying in the room.

"Oh its nice to see you awake Harry." She smiled at me.

"H-How long was I-I out?" I stuttered. Alex looked down for a moment.

"You were in a comma for three weeks." She said quietly. I frowned.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"It's okay Harry it's not your fault, don'y you dare say sorry." She said weakly.

"Well Mr.Styles it seems as if you will be able to get out from here in a matter of two days since we've treated all the injuries." The nurse said. I nodded and she walked out of the room.

"I missed you." Alex said.

"I missed you too." I said giving her a small smile witch she returned.

"Where are the boys?" I asked.

"They are at the hotel sleeping, they needed rest." She explained and I nodded understandingly

"Do you remember what happened?" She asked. I shook my head.

That's the problem.

I don't remember what happened.

(Heyyyyyy! I hope you enjoyed! Sorry I didn't update yesterday! I was kinda busy haha! I'm sorry but can you please comment what you think? If people don't like his I'm gonna stop writing it:( I don't really want that:) so comment and tell me what you think!!! Thanks for reading!!)

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