Chapter 16

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We littarly stayed hugging for ten minutes.

"Uh Harry?' I deep voice said from behind us. I whipped my head around to see a tall guy with just as much tattoos as Harry and Louis and piercings too. He had his black hair in a quiff and had a black leather jacket.

"Oh sorry." Harry started. "Alex this is Zayn. He saved me from the gun shot." he finished smiling.

"Hi nice to meet you." Zayn said with a smile. He extended his hand for a shake and I accepted.

"Hi nice to meet you too." I smiled back.

"Oh gosh we just had a very emotional moment." Louis said fanning his face. We laughed and hugged him one more time. But I held onto Harry afterwards.

"I'm so glad your okay" I whispered. He smiled down at me.

"I'm glad I get to see your beautiful face again." He said. he slowly leaned down to kiss me and I gladly excepted.

"Guys come on!!" Louis whined. Harry chuckled and pulled away.

We started our way towards the front door to leave. Then I remembered.

"Wait Harry....Zayn... how did you guys get in?" I questioned. They both smirked.

"The back door." Zayn said. I mentally facepalmed myslef for not realizing he had an accent too. Then I facepalmed myself again because I AM in the U.K for Gods sake who doeant have an accent.

We stopped at the back... they broke the glass on the door to get in. So Harry told me to be careful walking out. I'm actually pretty glad Justin is gone.... I'm just scared Harry will get caught. I was so worried I didn't notice Harry had picked me up and put me in the back seat. Then I remembered something very Important.

"SCHOOL!" I screamed. all heads snapped in my direction.

"What?' Louis asked looking puzzled.

"I've been absent from school like a week. I need to get back Monday." I explained. They nodded showing they understood. "Plus my mom is probably going to kill me because I just suddenly disappeared..." I said trailing off, realizing she was going to ground me forever.

"Well damn, I wish you the best Alex." Louis said wide eyes.

"Well, at least Ill see you at school" Harry Said smiling.


Zayn drove Harry, Louis and I back to my place so we could hang out. My mom wasn't home like always, so thank God, I'd be double grounded if she knew I was with boys.

"Do you guys want to rent a movie?" I asked Louis nodded his head eagerly and I laughed.

"Okay Louis you can pick I guess." I said. He jumped exactly and ran to the living room.

Harry helped me make popcorn and get a bunch of blankets and pillows. we made a tent while Louis picked a movie. I got more snacks and other stuff like nutella and those kinda things. we finally settled down to see what Louis picked. Harry sat on my right and Lou sat on my left. He picked Mean Girls.

"Yes!' I yelled. I love this movie! Harry groaned signaling he didn't like this movie very much. Louis has good taste, damn! I laughed throughout the movie and so did Lou. I even heard Harry a couple of times. Slowly I started to doze off in Harry's arms. He kissed my forehead and smiled down at me. I smiled tiredly and closed my eyes. I think they thought I was asleep all the way because I heard a little bit of their conversation.

"So whats going on with you and her?" Lou said. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I.. think I love her" Harry whispered. Then of course I decided to fall asleep

(Hey!!! thank you for reading! Sorry if its short I had to go somewhere and didn't write a lot! Tell me what you think and what I should add!)

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