Chapter One

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I stroll into the high school, all the other students watching me. I brush off my midnight blue t-shirt, that says ‘Fighting for the World’ and my black pants with silver along the sides. My best friend follows, causing the attention from the other students to be turned towards her. Stupid naïve humans. We’ve already worked out how their minds work in the short year we’ve been here. How they’re attracted to someone who’s cute, or maybe bad. Apparently that’s what these people are like . . . I wonder what caught their attention. Maybe our sense of style, or maybe my best friend, Serina’s eyes? Well, they are stunningly silver; they catch the attention of basically everyone, even me at times that I’ve zoned out completely.

“Fresh meat, guys.” I hear one of the boys say, so I turn my complete attention to him, glaring angrily. Walking towards him, a hand is placed on my left shoulder, just above my heart-shaped scar.

“Rose, no,” Turning around, I see Serina standing there, her glistening silver eyes connecting with mine.

“We don’t want any trouble here.” Shaking my head, I turn back around to glare at the boy. His dark green eyes widen, as I feel mine become smaller.

“I suggest, no, I expect, that you would stay away from us.” I point out to him, voice stern.

                “Alright, alright! No need to get angry!” The boy complains, turning around back to his group of friends, which are laughing at him. I walk away, over to a patch of grass, before plonking down on it, Serina sitting down on my left.

“You shouldn’t get all angry at him; he only said a few words Rose.” Serina says, pulling out her phone, most likely to text Anastasia, her sister, who luckily doesn’t have to come to school, because she is nineteen.

“Are you serious? You know what the Reint’s are like, Serina. We can’t trust anyone around here, only each-other and Ana. Who knows, the Reint’s might have spies here.” I reply, my hand flittering towards my shoulder-bag, which sits on my right shoulder. I pull out my phone, which I had to buy with some money that Ana has been earning from her job. Poor Ana, having to be with humans all day long, without one of us with her, who understands what she’s been through.

“Yeah, I know Rose. But remember what the Queen said; only nine can go through the portal, and only five can come back.”

“True, true Serina.” I nod, before directing my attention to the device in my hand. Stupid thing, how in the world does it work!

“Here, let me try.” Serina says, taking my phone away from me, and clicking a few buttons.

“Wow, you’ve gotten good with this human stuff, my friend.” I smile as she hands me back my phone.

“No problems, Rose.” Serina says, just as the bell goes. Ana made sure we were in all the same classes, so we weren’t surrounded by humans, and none of our own kind. Pulling out my timetable, I notice that my first class, which is History, is in a different room than Serina’s! How does this work? Ana MADE SURE!

“This is ridiculous!” I exclaim, frustration taking over.

“Rose, it’s alright. One hour will be fine.”

“No, I’m sure that Ana said we would all be in the same classes! I’m so . . . nope. I’ll see you later, Serina.”  I walk away, containing my frustration. Stalking off to class, people stare. But that doesn’t affect me. Of cause it won’t. Without realizing it, I walk straight past my classroom. Making a sharp U-turn in the corridor, I speed-walk back down the hallway, and into the classroom. I make my way to the back corner, where I know I will not be disturbed. At least, I hope not. I watch the other teenagers walk into the room, taking their places. Two girls sit right at the front, looking basically identical. My mind sits on the thought of them being twins, but gets pushed to the back as the teacher walks in. Her dark blonde hair sits in a low bun, her shirt patterned with hearts and her long black dress pants show how un-original she really is.

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