Chapter Sixteen

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Gulping, I allow Capri to take my hand in his. How is this even possible? The Queen’s consort is just that. The Queen’s consort. Not someone that has fallen in love with me! This has never, ever happened to me before! Before I realize it, words begin to spill out of my mouth.

                “Capri . . . we can’t do this. You’re the queen’s consort, while I’m just . . . Serina.” I say to him, basically admitting that we cannot be together . . . that I don’t like him. Truth be told, I do like him. But it would never work!

                “I know . . .” Capri replies, smiling at me slightly. He suddenly lets go of my hand, and walks back into the room where Desdemona and Ariana are waiting. I follow him in, closing the door behind me. The Twins give us confused looks, but I just brush them off. I sit down next to Ariana, as she gives me a questioning look.

                “What happened out there?” She asks, glaring at me. Before I can answer, the door is ripped open, the Queen standing there, a furious look on her face. She gives me a frightening stare, before looking over to Capri, who is sitting alone, on the other side of the room. He quickly gives me a scared look, before looking back to the Queen. I see a figure behind her, looking over her shoulder.

                “Capri, would you care to TELL me what was going on out here before?!”  The Queen yells, angry to the max.

                “There is nothing to tell. Nothing happened out there.” Capri responds calmly. Wow, who would have thought that he could just calmly reply like that?

                “You’re coming with me. Now.” The Queen storms over to me, grabbing my arm and literally starts to drag me out of the room. I shake my head, allowing her to drag me away. We keep walking for at least ten minutes, before she rips a door open, pushing me inside. She walks in after me, closing the door quietly.

                “Would you kindly tell me what my Consort said to you before?” She asks, glaring at me. Gulping, I close my eyes. I don’t know if I should tell her or not . . .

                “TELL ME ALREADY!” The Queen yells at me, causing me to re-open my eyes and flinch.

                “I – I can’t.” I manage to whisper, my eyes wide and scared. She gives me another deep glare, before grabbing my arms, pulling them above my head.

                “Tell me Serina.” My arms drop back down, as she takes a step back. I don’t know if I can or not . . . that’s the problem.

                “I can’t. I just can’t. I’m sorry.”  I mumble, walking away from her. And, freakishly, she doesn’t stop me. Not once. I continue walking away, determined to find out how to get to back to Earth. I basically walk around every corner, walk down every corridor of this humongous                place. And I still can’t find my way out. Turning around one more corner, I see a door, wide open. And without warning, someone steps out, a small smile on their face.      They motion for me to come into the room, so I come in without a second thought. Sitting down on the closest chair to the door, the person closes the door and sits down across from me.

                “Evening, Serina Hathaway.” The person says to me, a masculine voice coming out.

Evening . . . Who are you?” I ask, sounding a bit rude, even though I didn’t really mean it. He smiles at me slightly, before speaking.

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