Chapter Twenty-Two

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                “She’s coming . . . not in the morning . . . she’s coming . . . in an hour.” His voice repeat’s over and over in my head. Hayley’s on her way, right now. She could even be opening up the portal at this very moment, for all we know! And all we can do is stand here in shock. Well, we do have a reason to be. We all thought that she would be coming in the morning! We are not even ready! Snapping out of it, I turn towards the others.

                “Well then, snap out of it! Damon, get all your weapons. Make sure everyone has at least two. Except Rose. Leave her the bow and arrows. She shouldn’t need any more than that.” I order him, as his eyes turn back to normal. He nods, getting up and walking over to his bag, releasing my hand as he goes. He pulls out five knives, three shot guns, two swords, a box full of grenades and the bow and arrows. I watch as he sets them all out, pairing the knives with the shot guns and the swords, before opening the box with the grenades and placing five by each pair, before placing the bow and arrows separately.  We all gawk at this collection of fine weapons, as Damon looks up.

                “How did you . . .?” Ariana partially asks, her eyes bulging over how much weaponry there is. Damon chuckles, looking at each and every one of us.

                “Easy, Ariana. I have my own weapons in my room, so I grabbed them all before I came. I thought that we would need them, considering the circumstances. And I guess I was right. And I grabbed the right amount, too! Thankfully, that is.” Damon sort of explains, picking up one of the knives, twisting it around in his hand, as if he was seeing if it was worthy of killing. He places it back down, before looking back up.

                “Well then, what are you waiting for? Oh wait, I know what you’re waiting for. Give me a second . . .” Damon reaches back into his bag, before pulling out six belts, all different colours and sizes. He walks towards Rose, handing her the cream one, which looks just like the bow and arrows. Damon whispers something in her ear, before she walks out of the room. Walking to Desdemona and Ariana, he hands them both a military green one, before whispering to them as well. They also walk out of the room. Then to Ana, he gives a sparkling purple one, before whispering to her too. She turns around and looks at me, her eyes showing a glimmer of hope, before walking out of the room. And now it is my turn. He hands me one of the last belts, a pure black one with pointed studs placed across it.

                “Inside those studs is poison if you ever need to use it. Now, go into your room, and there shall be clothes in there waiting for you. They will be black, and in one of the pockets in the jeans, there will be a note. It will say ‘Vina’. This will be your codename for all this. Make sure you tell the others your code name, and they will tell you theirs. Now go, I must get ready myself.” Damon whispers to me, before lightly nudging me in the direction of my room. Walking out, I study the belt. It’s got enough spots for the knives and all that, but I wonder about the studs. I make my way into the bedroom, to see Anastasia dressed in a pure purple t-shirt, with black lines going diagonally to the bottom right. There is a silver stripe going down both sides of her jeans, as she grabs a piece of paper from her pocket, opening it, before looking up at me.

                “Sienna.” She states, before pointing towards my clothing.

                “Vina.” I reply, walking over to my clothes and picking them up.

                “How did you know before you even touched the paper?”

                “Damon told me.” I walk through the door that has been installed into the bedroom to get to the bathroom, so I can get changed in private. I close it, turning around and seeing myself in the mirror. My black hair has gone all knotty and curly, clumped around my face. My silvery eyes have gone a misty grey, probably from the lack of food. Only food can keep my eyes their normal silver. Food . . . or something else. I always have these cravings for something else, but the thing is I just don’t know what it is! I place my clothes down on the bathtub, before pulling a brush out of the draw. I attempt to run it through my hair, but it gets stuck.

                “Come. On!” I say to myself, forcing the brush through that section of hair. After the initial untangling, it is so much easier to brush! I continually put my brush through that one part, and in two minutes, it has gone from knotty and curly to straight and sleek. It shines like it’s just been dyed. And now, to run it through the rest.

                “This is so damn frustrating!” I growl, as I barely get the brush through the last section. It smooths out instantly, allowing me to fix it all. I put the brush down, before running my fingers through my hair. Smiling to myself in the mirror, I pull this clingy shirt off, throwing it into the washing basket. I grab the t-shirt from the bathtub, pulling it over my head. It fits snugly, working with my small figure well. Grabbing the jeans, I search the pockets for a piece of paper. Finding it, I pull it out.

                “What . . . it doesn’t say my codename . . . it’s a message.” I whisper to myself, confused. The message read;


                 I cannot tell you what I truly foresaw before, because I don’t know what would happen if I did. I had another vision when none of you were around that told me about Hayley coming. I bet your wondering about the one that just happened? It shows multiple things. I cannot list them, because they might fall into the wrong hands. And we don’t want that. Make sure you rip this up before you step out of the bathroom.


I fold the piece of paper neatly in half, before ripping it up into multiple pieces and shoving it down the drain. Let’s just hope it doesn’t all wash up at the same place. I pull off my shorts slowly, as they are sticking to my skin. Grabbing the jeans, I hastily put them on, hoping that the others aren’t all sitting around, waiting for me. Opening up the door, I walk out, into the lounge room where the others are chatting intensely, with Rose sitting by herself, zoning in and out. I sit down next to her, watching her every movement. Ever since I told her what she had to defeat Hayley, she’s become spaced out. She must be thinking it all through, in full honesty.

                “Rose?” I whisper after sitting in silence for 5 minutes.

                “Yeah, Serina?” She whispers back, her eyes flitting towards me. I gulp down whatever nerves decided to appear, and begin talking.

                “I know that you are nervous about everything that is just about to happen –” Rose begins to intrude, but I just continue talking. “But I want you to know that I will be here for you. No matter what happens, no matter the circumstances.”

                “I know that you would do that, Serina. But the thing is that I have to do this myself, I have to be the one to finish this all of. There’s something special about me, I can feel it trying to come out. But, truthfully, I don’t know what it is.” Rose quietly speaks to me, her eyes going in all different directions, but mainly in the direction of the others. I also look over to them, seeing that they have stopped talking and are watching us.

                “You can stop staring at us now!” I call over to them, as they look away. I let out a small laugh, and soon Rose follows.

                “You guys can tell us what you were talking about now.” Rose says to them, her facial expressions turning serious. I watch as Desdemona’s eyes widen, before she stands up and walks over to us. Ariana follows, leaving the two Prophets of Entiyo sitting alone. Ariana grabs Rose’s hand and pulls her out of the room, and Desdemona does the same for me. We walk outside, sitting down at a new stone bench . . . well I think it’s new.

                “So, would you like to explain to us what you were talking about?” I ask, looking towards the other two.

                “Um . . . how do I explain it . . .” Desdemona begins, unsure.

                “Just explain it as easily as you can, but make sure you keep some detail in it.” I smile slightly, trying to keep my happy façade going. But truthfully, I’m nowhere near happy. I’m freaking out! We need to go to the portal now, and set up! Desdemona opens her mouth, but doesn’t get a chance to talk, because my sister bursts out the door, eyes wide.

                “Damon just had another vision. She’s opening the portal now. We need to leave.”

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