Chapter Three

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I watch Ana pace around my hospital room, her eyes full of anger. Well, it seems that Serina has gone and stolen Ana’s motorcycle keys, and taken off. I’m guessing that she needs some time to herself, seeing she was inside my head for what was apparently five hours. She saw everything that I saw, but she wasn’t connected to me. It was like she was her own spirit when she was there.

                “Serina, when you get this message, CALL ME BACK!! You are in serious trouble for stealing my bike!”  Ana yells into the phone, before hanging up.

                “Hey, she doesn’t have many places to go, she’ll come back, I’m sure of it.” I whisper, feeling weaker and weaker by the second.

                “But, Rose. She might try to go back . . . she might get caught by them . . .” Those words send a jolt of what feels like lightning through my body.

                “Well, we’re going to have to stop that, won’t we?” I say, my strength coming back to me in just mere seconds. I sit up in the bed as Anastasia gives me a huge grin, before walking out the door, probably to inform the nurses that I’m just fine and I am ready to leave. Suddenly, the room becomes pitch black and the door closes, locking itself.

                “What the . . . who’s there?!” I call; my strength building inside me.

                “Stupid girl, entering Entiyo with your spirit.” A voice echoes around the room, causing me to shiver. Why was this voice so familiar?

                “You do not realize you have opened a vessel for me to get through, stupid girl. I can get from here to there, but only in spirit. Can you work out who this is? Or do I have to tell you.” The darkness before me swirls around, before a spirit appears in front of me. Her golden eyes illuminate the room, along with her pure white hair.

                “You . . .” I whisper, realizing who this is. Hayley. Hayley Thiele. The Reint’s leader. She’s the one who ordered the Reint’s to take my homeland, Entiyo. Only because SHE decided to destroy their homeland, Reint.

                “Get out of here!” I yell, closing my eyes and focusing all my energy onto Hayley.

                “You wish, child. I can now get from Entiyo to here by going through your pitiful mind.” Hayley says, her voice chilling to the bone.

                “Hayley Thiele, as one of the three living inhabitants of Entiyo on earth, I command you to leave my mind and to not return!” I call, opening my eyes and sending a bright purple ball her way, hitting her directly in the head. She lets out a piercing scream, before vanishing. The last thing I see of her is those bright, golden eyes of hers. The darkness disappears, and I hear the door unlock. Ana comes rushing into the room, a look of confusion settling on her eyes.

                “That wasn’t even my voice . . .” I whisper, realizing that fact.

                “Rose, what in the world happened?” Anastasia asks me, walking over and taking my hand as I slowly stand up. I shake my head, refusing to tell her anything. She sighs, before leading me out of the hospital room.

                “We’re ready to go.” Ana says to the nurse, before simply walking out, me in tow. She calls for a taxi. One stops right in front of me, and we jump straight into it.

                “Where to?” The taxi driver asks, his rough voice hurting my ears slightly.

                “18 Tyson Lane, Candleberry please.” Anastasia says, as the driver punches it into his GPS. Without another word, we take off, towards our home.

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