Chapter Eight

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I give all the students looking at me hard glares, warning them to stay away. I don’t want to hurt someone who doesn’t know what’s happened, only someone who does know. Like Rose. How dare she bond with my sister! I find it especially annoying and just . . . I shake my head, walking over to my patch of grass. Sitting down, I pull my phone out of my bag, to see a text. Opening it, my eyes widen slightly.

She will not be returning. And neither will Rose. Their spirits will be cut from their bodies, left to wander Entiyo forever. Want to know who this is? Someone at this pitiful school.

How? This cannot be possible! A Reint at this high school . . . I send a text back, ignoring the bell to head off to class.

Who are you? REINT! How is it possible for a Reint to be on Earth, when none have passed though the portal since they closed it when your kind came! Well, naturally it was opened for me and the other eight, but HOW! Meet me outside the greenhouse in one hour, I don’t care if you have to skip class, I wasn’t planning on attending today, anyways.

A message comes back almost immediately.

 I came when you came. Nobody ever saw me, nobody but one person. My bond. Now I cannot see him again, thanks to you stupid Entiyo born! YOU WILL DIE, ALONG WITH ROSE AND ANASTASIA! Think back to what Rose told you last night. Who is the girl that is bonded? ME!

So . . . she must have found a way into the portal just as it closed! So there wasn’t nine of us . . . there was ten. That’s probably why all our parents died when they came! Because it was only meant to be nine, not ten! And it had consequences . . . the prophecy was broken, so then other things have happened to counteract it! And she was the girl who Rose talked about in her explanation last night! Oh god . . . this is going to end badly.

I understand now, how bad it must have been to leave your Bond behind, always waiting for you . . .

Sighing, I unlock the door to the greenhouse (The principal gave me the key because I was the only one who would care for them, and he gave it to me just before we had to go to Rose at the hospital.) and I take my spot inside all the foliage, hidden from the outside. Nobody ever comes over here anyways, because apparently someone died here. Maybe that’s why I like it over here. Theres a swift knock at the door, as I look down to my phone. An hour already? Wow. Well, it’s about time I found out who this person, who this girl, really is. I quickly look out the one-way glass, as nobody can see inside the greenhouse, but whoever is inside can see everyone outside. The joys of one-way glass. Studying this girl, I quickly note down that she has dark brown hair covering her left eye, and deceptive, light blue eyes. She’s wearing a dark blue plain t-shirt and long white jeans. Who would white jeans these days? I shake my head at her, as she knocks on the one-way glass again.

                “Fine. If you are not coming out, I will explain my bond to you.” She said, her eyes flittering around. She shakes her head, before beginning.

                “First off, my name’s Iris Zabine. Yes, the Iris Zabine, the one who fought against your kind when I was barely a child. I bonded with my best friend, who was almost killed by one of yours. I saved him, causing a bond to create. We had no knowledge whatsoever of bonding, and we didn’t realize it until at least five years later when the bond had increased. Oh, also, we were both five when we fought, only because we wield massive powers, none that any others have had before all at once. We were rare and powerful. And I mean were. After the battle, two of our powers vanished. And we could never recover them. Fast-forward five years, we are taught about bonds at our school. When the teacher said that she could sense a bond in the room, my bond and I looked towards each other.” Iris stops talking, taking a deep breath. Thinking it though in my head, I decide that I will come out when she finishes talking, and introduce myself.

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