Chapter Twenty-Six

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We all sit down on the grass, apart from Rose and Tom, who have disappeared into the bushes. For what reason, is completely unknown to me. They better not be doing anything stupid. Turning towards Anastasia, she gives me a small smile.

                “What do you think them two are doing?” I think aloud, making sure that only my sister can hear me.

                “Honestly, I think they are trying to find the Reint’s. Well, that’s what my instinct is telling me. I don’t know about the actual thing.” She replies back in a hushed tone, keeping her eyes focused somewhere else. Somewhere other than here.

                “Let’s just hope your right . . .” I reply, allowing myself to fall backwards on the grass, making myself level with the ground. Letting a small sigh release, I close my eyes, disappearing into a world where none of this has happened. We were all still on Entiyo. Our parents are still alive. Desdemona and Ariana’s parents made it back to the portal before it closed and they are with us. The Reint’s didn’t invade us. Rose didn’t have her scar. The perfect place for us all at the moment . . . and it isn’t even real.

                “Guys, guys, we have a problem.” Tom’s voice interrupts my day-dreaming, causing me to open my eyes and sit back up. My vision is blurry, so all I see is a whole lot of green, and a bit of white.

                “What’s wrong, Tom?” Desdemona asks. I rub my eyes, trying to get some sort of focus in them. But it isn’t exactly working.

                “I could sense the Reint’s. They’re already here. Well, one of them at least. I told Rose to stay right there, because I was coming to get you all. We need to get there now. As in . . . RIGHT NOW!” Tom’s voice goes from study to epically loud, causing me to block my ears. But on the brighter side, all the yelling made my eyes come into focus! Well, I don’t think it was that, but still! At least I can see!

                “Okay then, let’s get going.” Ana says, before her hand comes into my line of sight. I grasp it with both hands, before she pulls me to my feet. Everyone else is already standing up. How did I NOT notice that! I must have zoned out really badly if I didn’t notice that everyone else is standing up.

                “Hurry up! You can’t dawdle around!” Tom yells from past the trees, obviously getting annoyed from us all standing around. I begin walking towards him, with my sister in front and the twins behind me. At the end is Willow and Michaela, keeping us from slowing down. I’m not sure where Eros disappeared off too, but he will come back. He wouldn’t desert us now. We walk for at least ten minutes, before we abruptly stop. There is a quick bang, and a scream.

                “What was that?” Desdemona speaks, her voice laced with fear. I shake my head, also unsure of what that was. Anastasia looks over to me, before nodding her head backwards, as in signalling us to run. Only because Tom already has. My eyes widen significantly, before my sister begins running, and so do I. I can hear the footsteps of the twins, Michaela and Willow following behind, making sure that we don’t disappear from their line of sight.

                “Almost there, guys!” Ana calls back to me, and to the others. We slow down to a jog, before my sister allows me to look past her, at Rose.

                “Rose, what did you just do?” I whisper almost silently, hoping that she doesn’t exactly hear me. She takes a step away from us, towards her inferno. I glance back at the others, unsure of what to do. Anastasia grasps my hand and pulls me back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2012 ⏰

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