Chapter Six

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Opening my eyes, I see myself standing, once again, in the queen’s courtroom. But this time, there are people, other than the queen and her consort, in here.

                “But your Majesty, she has returned! I have proof!” A voice yells, obviously angry. But over what?

                “I do not believe your lies, Darius. Leave my court room now.” The queen’s voice overpowers everyone else’s, causing the room to become silent. There is a shuffling of feet, before a door opening and closing. Stepping out from behind the seats, I give the queen a right shock.

                “S-Serina!” She stutters, looking at me confused.

                “We have a problem, your Majesty. A big problem.” I say, looking down at my feet, which are covered in the most beautiful grey sandals.

                “And what is this problem you speak of?” She asks, sounding all high-and-mighty.

                “Hayley Thiele your Majesty. She has, in fact, returned.” The queen shakes her head, as Capri looks over to me, his eyes wide.

                “And how do you know of this, Mistress Serina?” Capri asks, his powerful voice echoing around the court room, causing shivers up my spine. His voice is so . . . I cannot put it to words.

                “When Rose came here, your Majesty, she apparently created a vessel for Hayley to come through to Earth in spirit form. She has appeared in front of me once, in front of my, um, sister, once and according to Rose, in front of her three times. And the one time she appeared in front of Anastasia, your Majesty . . .” I stop talking, tears springing up in my eyes.

                “It’s alright, Serina. You can tell us.” The queen says; her voice kind. Wiping the tears away, I continue on.

                “The one time she appeared in front of Anastasia, she . . .” I hesitate, before continuing with the words I do not even want to speak.

                “She took Ana’s spirit and brought it back with her. And I believe that she has her spirit, locked up, so she cannot come back.” Saying it takes a lot of weight off my shoulders, even if it is about my older sister.

                “That is rarely heard of . . . but is possible. And she has done it. We must save Anastasia, before Thiele can do anything to remove her spirit from her body. Because it is always connected. But when that connection is severed . . . unspeakable things have happened.” The queen says, standing up from the throne and walking over to me.

                “We will get her back, amazing Serina. I will send Capri’s spirit with you, as his spirit is unbreakable, it cannot be damaged at all.” She whispers in my ear, before attempting to hug me, but her arms go straight though me.

                “That’s right . . . untouchable in spirit by physical. Seems Anastasia will be fighting, like the fighter she was born to be. Along with you, Rose, Desdemona and Ariana.

                “You know of Desdemona and Ariana?” I ask, confused.

                “Yes, I know of all Entiyo born, even if they weren’t born here. Many have been sacrificed by those Reint’s. I feel them disappearing from this realm, one by one. But they also return, as new bodies. Serina, may I tell you of your past lives? Well, life, because this is only your second life.” I become confused at these words. She knows of my past life? I don’t even know of it.

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