Chapter Eighteen

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Tumbling. That’s all I can feel at the moment. A massive tumbling sensation. And as soon as it began, it stopped. I fall out of the portal, landing on the softness of the carpet. Oh how I have missed this carpet, I’m telling you! Just by looking at the carpet, I can tell that we’ve made it back to where we were meant to be. Back in our home. Without warning, I am helped to my feet by the twins. They shoot me small smiles, before helping me over to where my actual body lays, still in a deep slumber.

                “So how exactly am I meant to go back into me . . .?” I ask, slightly confused by the fact. They look between each other, unsure of who should tell me.

                “Just lie down on top of yourself, that’s kind of what we did.” Ariana pipes up, answering my question. I give her a strange look, before walking over to my physical self. My eyes are naturally closed, but my face . . . it looks so peaceful, like I’ve had the best dream in a long time. But this is no dream. This is reality. Well, for me anyways. I place my hand over . . . well, my hand, and without warning, it disappears inside it, allowing me full access to move it. Smiling, I lead my arm back through, my spiritual self connecting back up with my physical. Closing my eyes, I will the rest of me back inside. And then, blackness. Complete and utter blackness.

                                                **                                           **                                           **

I stretch my arms out wide, before opening my eyes. Desdemona and Ariana are watching me, while I can see that Anastasia, my sister, is kneeling down in front of me, holding my hand. And she’s back in her physical form. With that retched scar.

                “Where’s Rose?” I ask first off, needing to know where that girl is. Ana looks over to the other two, before directing her attention back to me.

                “She hasn’t come through yet. Neither has . . .”

                “Damon.” I reply, knowing who she means immediately.

                “How do you know . . . never mind. I’m sure they’ll be through soon. At least, I hope they’ll be.” Anastasia says, ending her last sentence in a whisper. I give her a look that basically says ‘I hope so too.’

                “Um, guys, you might want to see this.” Desdemona says, her voice sounding far away. We look away from each other, to notice that she isn’t in the room. Looking over to Ariana, she tilts her head in the direction that Desdemona has gone, before leaning against the wall, and simply spacing out. I wish I could space out like that, it would be wonderful, especially when unwanted people are talking to you. Also known as the teenagers that go to the school, always trying to talk to me, always asking about my eyes. How I despise them. I know I shouldn’t hate on humans, but I just can’t help it! I watch as Anastasia stands up, and walks out of the room, not even bothering to help me to my feet. Oh, what a nice sister.

                “Wait up, Ana!” I call out to her, as I slowly sit up. Ariana steals a quick look over at me, before going back to her zoning out. I finally get into position, and within two seconds, I jump off the bed, running out the door. No clue why I did that though, random spur-of-the-moment energy much? Bursting out of the room, I see Desdemona standing across the hall, looking into the room with a scared face.

                “Serina . . .” Desdemona whispers, causing me to barely hear what she is saying. I walk over to her, as she dusts off her shirt. I quickly steal a look at my clothes, noticing that they too are covered in dust. Wow, so much dust in so little time. Within no time, I get rid of the dust, while reaching Desdemona.

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