Chapter Fifteen

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Alexis leads me through a maze of rooms and hallways, trying to remember where her room of mirrors is. Well, she does have a reason not to remember, this place is HUGE! Like seriously, who would need so many rooms? Well it’s understandable if there were people staying over, but when it’s just one person, it’s heaps too many! Without warning, Alexis stops, causing me to run into her back. I let out a groan of pain, attempting not to fall to the ground, which thankfully works. She opens the door, allowing me to go through. Guessing that this is the room with mirrors, I walk in. Alexis follows, closing the door behind her.

                “This; is the hall of mirrors.” Whoa. Hall of mirrors?! I thought it was just a room! Looking around the room in awe, my eyes lock onto a simple mirror, decorated in beautiful spirals. Taking a few steps forward, the first thing I notice is my eyes. Instead of them being the light grey that they normally are, they are vibrant blue with grey specks through them, startling me a little bit. Then my hair, which, instead of being flat and straight, is curly and natural, making me look exotic and beautiful.

                “This must be what Desdemona was talking about . . .” My voice drops away, as I look down to the dress.  A full length ball gown sits against my pale skin, fully red apart from some pitch black flowers, situated against my left side, allowing my heart shaped scar to be shown. Black fabric is wrapped around my ribs, tightly, but not too tight that I cannot breathe. Another piece of fabric is draped over my right shoulder; more of those pitch black flowers placed along there. Looking down to my legs, the fabric is just red, curling in a little bit at the bottom. My gaze goes to my hands, which have lace gloves carefully placed on them, standing out against my dress.

                “It is beautiful, Rose.” Alexis says, causing me to jump. Turning around, she gives me a wide smile, her eyes studying the dress.

                “Thank you. Now I know what Desdemona really was meaning.” I whisper, looking back to the mirror. Suddenly, I notice my scar glowing a scarlet colour. Eyes widening, I turn around to give Alexis a shocked look, basically saying what the hell? She just gives me the same look back, obviously as shocked as I am.  I turn back to the mirror again, my eyes glistening.

                “Rose . . . has that ever happened before?” I shake my head, quickly running my hands over the dress, smoothing it out.

                “You have to go back now. Like right now. I’ll get the dress-makers to create that dress for you, so it’s here . . .” Her voice trails off, looking over to the doorway.

                “Well then, if it’s time to go, it’s time to go. How about I leave the dress here so they can work off of it to make it real?” I suggest, secretly wanting to get out of the dress, because I don’t want it to just vanish into thin air, never to be spiritually worn again.

                “Yes, of cause, Rose. We’ll head back to the room where the others await.” Alexis says, walking towards the door, re-opening it. I carefully walk over to it, more aware of the delicate structure of the dress. My feet show, showing me bright red ballet flats, with black sparkles placed elegantly around them. Walking out the door, I wait for Alexis, because I seriously cannot remember the way back to the room. She closes the door, before beginning to walk once again. I follow her through the structural maze; going through all those twists and turns once again. For a few seconds, Alexis leaves my line of sight, so I quicken my pace to catch back up to her. I turn a corner, to see her duck into a room. Is it the room that we were in before . . .? I follow her footsteps, towards the now closed door. Two voices float out from the other side, one more feminine than the other, which I am guessing is Alexis. But who is the other person . . .?

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