Chapter Twenty-One

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Me? Kill off Hayley Thiele once and for all? No way, that is impossible. I just couldn’t do that! I’m Rose. A fifteen year old girl! Not someone who knows how to kill. Maybe it would just come to me, like a lot of things these days. Like my powers, that only just decided to show themselves. Shaking my head, I turn towards Serina. She catches my scared look, because then she pulls me into a hug.

                “Remember, Rose. I have my full confidence in you. You can beat Hayley.” My best friend whispers in my ear, making me feel considerably stronger. It’s as if I could actually do it. I could actually kill her now. If it’s to protect my homeland and these human’s land, then so be it. I will do it. She deserves to die anyways, because of all that she has done. Especially what she’s done to me . . . and to Anastasia.

                “I know, Serina. We should go back out to them, and explain everything.” I whisper back, standing up. She stands up first, allowing me to walk out first. Walking through the house, I notice all the destruction that we have caused. And this is a rental . . . Oh well! We’re going to be long gone before the owner comes around to find out that it’s been trashed. Then they won’t be able to find us, because we can just wipe our existence from this planet. I make a quick pit stop in the kitchen, grabbing an apple and a cup of water. Biting into the apple, I feel the nice juices come out, and trickle down my throat. Yum . . .

                “And so, do you really think she’s –” Anastasia stops the conversation, as I walk into the room. Damon just shoots her a quick nod, before smiling at me.

                “Okay guys, this is what Rose has to do . . . Damon, give her the bow and arrows please. I am asking this because Rose is the one who has to defeat Hayley, once and for all.” She simply explains to them, sounding confident in me. The other four look at me, with wide eyes.

                “Rose? Defeat Hayley? That’s basically impossible!” Damon yells, jumping to his feet. I shoot a worried look at Serina, who gives me the same look back.

                “What does it matter to you, Damon? It’s my choice, not yours. Now give me those damn weapons, so I can get ready!” I yell at him, not exactly meaning to. Covering my mouth, I watch as everyone’s eyes widen even more than before. I’ve never, ever, blurted out my thoughts like that before. Shaking my head, I walk out of the room, embarrassed. Man, that was just . . . really, really embarrassing.

                “Why the hell did I just say that?” I whisper to myself, walking through the hallway into my bedroom. Closing the door behind me, I simply lie down on my bed, closing my eyes. Almost instantly, I can hear everything that they are saying.

                “She’s not ready for it, Serina! We can’t let her.” Damon’s voice comes through the wall, clear enough for me to think that I was still in the room.

                “But she has no choice. It’s either she goes and destroys Hayley, or we let her just destroy this planet. What would you rather Damon?” Ariana replies, as I can hear her voice elevating. I’ve never known Ariana to raise her voice, even if I have only known her for about . . . a month now? Including the time that she was in the dream. But still, she’s not known to raise her voice at anybody.

                “If that’s what you believe, Ariana, then that’s fine. But I am not changing my mind, Rose is not ready.” Damon basically yells, causing the room to shake just a little bit.

                “Settle down Damon, there’s no need to yell. It’s ultimately Rose’s choice, if she wants to go ahead with this or not.” Anastasia speaks up, sounding calm. Of cause Ana is the calm one, she’s the one that can calm everyone, and I mean everyone, down. There is a sudden sigh, and a shuffling of feet. I reopen my eyes, just as Anastasia walks into the room.

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