Chapter Four

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“Serina Hathaway, you do not realize how ungrateful you are being, not just to me, but to Rose as well?!” My sister yells at me, her voice echoing around the house.

                “Yes, ‘Mum’ I did know what I was doing. And if you would kindly be quiet, I can hear Rose whimpering.” I reply, just before a loud whimper comes from Rose’s bedroom, along with the words ‘Desdemona’ and ‘Ariana’. Who are they? Part of the Reint’s? Or humans?

                “I’m going to check on her.” I say to Anastasia, before standing up and walking towards Rose’s bedroom. She begins whimpering again as I step into the room, so I take her hand, hoping I don’t get pulled into her dream. But, just as I take it, she’s jumped up in bed, sweat beading down her forehead.

                “Serina . . . I . . .” Rose tries to talk, but words fail her. I sit down on her bed, hugging her.

                “They came, Serina. In my nightmare they came. And . . . Desdemona and Ariana are here for us, their parents are Entiyo born, but came here when the portal was open to travel. But they were stuck here, so they had to stay. Then they had the girls. They’re twins. And we can trust them,” Rose whispers to me, before tears come out of her eyes.

                “And Capri . . . he almost died. I saved him.” My eyes widen at this. She saves Capri? Wow. Just wow.

                “What did the twins . . . Desdemona and Ariana look like?”

                “They both had Stormy grey eyes and light brown hair . . .” Rose whispers, her eyes filling with more and more tears. I pull her close, keeping my best friend safe. Suddenly, the room goes dark and the door closes.

                “No . . . NO! She cannot be back!” Rose screams, as a figure appears in front of us. Her golden eyes penetrating the darkness, along with her pure white hair.

                “Seems you couldn’t keep me out for long, foolish girl.” The person says, her voice echoing around the room. Somehow this voice is familiar, but unfamiliar at the same time.

                “Leave!” Rose yells, as the darkness disappears and all we see is a girl.

                “And why would I do such a thing, hmm?” She says, glaring at Rose angrily. Rose opens her mouth, before closing it again.

                “Um . . .” I whisper, looking in-between Rose and this girl . . . who is she?

                “OH! Hello, Serina. I’ve heard about you too.” She knows of me? How?!

                “I either don’t know who you are or don’t remember.” I say, releasing Rose and standing up.

                “You don’t remember. I am . . .” She stops, looking over to Rose. I also look at her, seeing that she is standing up, and an electric purple ball is appearing in her hands.

                “Stand back, Serina.” Rose says, in a voice that isn’t hers. I take a few steps back, hidden behind Rose. What in the world is going on with her? And who is this person?

                “Hayley Thiele.” Rose says, her voice commanding. Oh, that’s who it is. For some reason, I couldn’t remember who it was! But, how is possible that she is in here?!

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