Chapter Eleven

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First thing I notice when I re-open my eyes, is that I’m lying on the floor. Second thing, Ariana was lying on the other side of the room, emitting a small green light from her hands. I push myself to my feet, trying to work out what exactly happened. All I remember; is Ariana being a fiery green light, before everything going white then just darkness. I’m guessing that’s when I passed out. Looking around, I see Serina and Anastasia, both fast asleep . . . wait. They’re on Entiyo. That’s why. Turning around in my spot, I see Desdemona standing up, looking at all of us with protective eyes. They lock onto my eyes, before widening a bit.

                “Welcome back, Rose! Now. We have to wait until Ariana . . . AIR!” Desdemona looks behind me, to see Ariana sitting up, rubbing her eyes. I crawl over to her, too lazy to stand up and take two steps over to her.

                “We still need to go get Ana from the Reint’s. We don’t know how long she’ll last now that it’s almost morning.” I say aloud to the two awake girls, one with a green glow around them. Suddenly, theres movement from the bed that the sisters, Serina and Anastasia, are lying on. Turning around, I see Serina sitting up, emitting a beautiful dark purple glow.

                “Serina! Did you . . .?” I yell, finally jumping to my feet and running over to her. She gives me a huge hug, before standing up.

                “Yeah. And I can do this as well.” Serina manifests a sword in her hands, before making it disappear.

                “Guys, we still need to go save Anastasia!” Ariana yells.

                “Yes, I know. But I’m starving! Anyone else craving food?” I ask. Everyone nods, and we all walk out of the room, towards the kitchen. I pull out some bacon from the fridge, before heating up the frypan.

                “Anyone not want bacon? Because that’s what I’m cooking.”  I say to the girls. They give me grunts as replies, so I place 8 pieces of bacon into the really big frypan. Thank god we bought this, otherwise we would have had to make like 3 different batches of bacon.

                “Hurry up, Rose! I’m STARVING!” Serina yells at me, obviously angered.

                “Give them a chance, Serina!” I yell back at her, shaking my head. Pulling out four plates, I put two pieces of bacon onto the plates, handing them to the girls. They all nod their thanks, before literally shoving them down their throats.

                “GOD GUYS! Didn’t know you were THAT hungry!” I say jokingly, smirking at the three hungry girls. They shake their heads at me, before slowly eating the second piece. I grab a piece of bread, placing the two pieces of bacon on it and eating it slowly, just to torment the girls.

                “HEY! I didn’t realise you could ACTUALLY do that, I mean . . . I didn’t know if you would let me!” Ariana laughs, finishing off her bacon. Desdemona and Serina finish off theirs no less than ten seconds later, and I finish eating my bacon and bread another thirty seconds afterwards.

                “Now are we going to go save Ana?” Serina asks, clearly agitated. Well it’s understandable, because it’s her sister.

                “Yes, Serina. Let’s go guys . . . wait, Demon and Air, don’t you have to alert your Aunt or something?” I ask them, confused.

                “To be honest, no. She only thinks we’re part of her family, but we really aren’t. So she won’t miss us, she’ll just forget that we exist. All because of the charm my parents put on her.” Desdemona explains, before standing up and walking off to the bedroom that Anastasia is in. I follow her, making sure nothing happening. Walking into the room, I hear Desdemona hold back a startled gasp. My eyes follow hers, to Anastasia’s scarred hand. And it’s bleeding, through all the bandages.

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