Chapter Twenty

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                “Rose?” I say again, as she slowly sits up. She gives me a small smile, in which I politely return. But in full honesty I don’t think she notices it, because theres a massive flash of light, along with a small shockwave that blows me backwards, towards the wall. I hit it, feeling it break on my back. I wince in slight pain, keeping my eyes on my best friend. The light around her goes from being white, which is normally the end of when we get our full powers, to a beautiful sky blue, laced in gold. Wait . . .what does that mean then? Because hers started off white and the colour appeared into it, does that mean that she’s going to be something different? Something other than a normal Entiyo born? Well, if you think about it, she’s never been a normal Entiyo born, if you consider her brother, who is the Prophet of Entiyo.

                “Serina? What is . . . She’s doing it isn’t she?” Damon calls into the room, obviously seeing the light as well. Of cause he would be seeing the light, who wouldn’t be at this time?

                “Yes, she is! But there’s something different about it!” I yell back to him, as I stand up and wipe the rubble off of my back from the wall. Damn I’m going to have to fix that now, aren’t I?

                “Let me guess . . . Her light was white at first, and now it’s gone to the colour it is now?”

                “Exactly! Wait, how did you know that?”

                “It’s what happens . . . I’ll explain to all of you when it’s over. Which should be in at least a minute.” Just as he finishes yelling that, there’s another shockwave, but this time it picks me up and pulls me out of the room, causing me to land on top of Damon. His eyes widen significantly, as I pull myself off of him, before helping him to his feet. Without warning, the door slams shut behind us, cutting all the light off. I spin around, finally being able to see. Reaching out, I try to turn the door handle, but it doesn’t budge. What the hell is up with this? First off her releasing powers go backwards, and now the door won’t open? I turn back around, facing Damon.

                “You have to explain to me what the hell is going on!” I basically yell at him, without even realizing it. He flinches, as the other three finally make their appearance.

                “What’s going on?” The twins ask at the same time, as Anastasia pulls me to the side, out of the hallway.

                “What did you do this time, Serina? I was gone for two minutes. Two minutes! And something happens to Rose.” Ana shakes her head at me, not even allowing me to speak. Pulling myself away from her, I walk back into the lounge room, sitting down on one of the chairs. I can tell that she followed me, because I hear someone sit down, before another three noises, sounding identical.

                “Just tell us what happened in there, Serina.” Desdemona says, sounding agitated. I look over to her, noticing that a part of her light brown hair is falling across her face, while the rest of it sits behind her head, in knots and unnatural curls.

                “Well . . . how do I explain it? You see, Rose’s powers are coming out. Thing is, they’re coming out backwards. How we all got that white light at the end? She got at the start. And now, it’s sky blue laced with gold. Don’t ask me why, it just is. Um, Damon? Do you want to tell us what you were going to say to me before?” I shift all the attention off of my shoulders, onto Damon’s. He gives me a small glare, before beginning.

                “So, as you know, I’m the Prophet of Entiyo. And I already knew this was coming. I’m making this as simple as possible. Rose, because her power light is coming out backwards, it means that she’s been chosen. Chosen to be the next Queen of Entiyo. Thing is it normally doesn’t come out this early, it’s meant to come out when the current Queen is close to death. But as we all know, Alexis is in full health. So, that’s what has baffled me . . .” Damon’s voice drifts off, as he looks over to my sister. He nods at her, and within two seconds, her eyes flash bright green. Anastasia lets out a small gasp, as I start to get to my feet.

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