Chapter 1

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Normani’s POV

I was sitting alone in the Los Angeles airport feeling the most anxious that I had ever been. I stood up and started pacing, earning some stares from random people who looked annoyed.

“Mommy! Mommy that’s Normani!!!”A little girl shrieked and ran over to me, wrapping her small arms around my waist. I laughed and hugged her back. “Where and Ally and Lauren and Dinah and Camila?! Aren’t you and Ally dating?! Where is she?!”

“They’ll be here soon!” I tell her truthfully. “We just took a short break…”

She nodded and beamed at me. “Okay, well tell them I love them!”

“I will!” My smile stayed on my face as she skipped away, but slowly faded when I remembered why we had to take the break in the first place.

Back on the X Factor, Lauren and Camila liked each other, but Lauren got insecure when people started to call her bi. When Ally and I started dating each other, Camila got jealous and did everything she could to break us apart. With Dinah’s help, She even told my ex-boyfriend, Arin, where we were at one point in the tour, and he tried to rape Ally. Simon made us spend some time apart - three months to be exact - and today was the day that we are all meeting back up.

I was incredibly nervous to see Dinah and Camila again. Even though they had both been going through therapy, I still didn’t quite trust them. I had talked to Lauren a few times on the phone, we would text every day, sometimes Skype, but it wasn’t really the same. And I had see Ally in person twice a month since she only lived three hours away, and I was definitely most excited to see her.

“NORMANI!!!” Dark hair flew past my eyes as I was tackeld in a bear hug and almost knocked to the floor.

“LAUREN!!!” I screamed back, hugging my friend tighter. “I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!”


“Wait…” I say, slowly pulling away.


“Did you come with Camila?”

Lauren pointed behind her. “She’s in the bathroom.”

I nodded and smiled again. “Well I’m so happy that you’re here!!!”

“I know! I feel like it’s been three years instead of three moths!”

We both started to giggle, slightly delirious from all the excitement. “Umm…hey…” Camila.

I turned around to face my old friend. “Hey, Mila.” I say, giving her a small smile and stepping forward to hug her.

She wrapped her arms around me and I felt her start to shake. “I’m sorry Normani. I’m so, so, sorry.”

“It’s okay, Mila. I forgive you!” She smiled and laughed a little, wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Shouldn’t Dinah be here by now?” Lauren asks. “She lives like an hour away!”

“You know Dinah; she’s always late.” I tease and turn to Mila. “Did you guys even end up…together?”

Mila shook her head. “Nah, she was too attached to Siope.” She answered, giggling a little.


“Speaking of Dinah…” Lauren started right before being attacked.

“Oh my gosh, I missed you guys so much!!!” Dinah shouted bringing us into a group hug. “I don’t have to apologize again, right? Because I totally will…”

I laughed. “No, Dinah; you killed the mood anyways.”

“Care to let in one more?”

Ally’s POV

“ALLY!!!” Normani cried. I squealed in surprise when I was lifted into the air and spun in a circle. Before I could say anything, my girlfriend’s lips crashed into mine in a passionate kiss.

She pulled away and I was tackled by three other girls. “I missed you guys so much!!!” I told them.

Camila pulled me aside. “Ally, I’m so, so, so sorry; I never should’ve done that and I know that sorry doesn’t erase the memories…but at least the bruise is gone?” I laughed and squeezed Camila in a tight embrace to let her know that I truly did forgive her.

“Where are we going first?” I asked the girls.

“To the studio to have a meeting with Simon.” Lauren said, scrunching  up her nose.

“Let’s do this!” Camila said confidently, throwing her fist in air.

“Yeah, the faster we get this done, the sooner we can go shopping!!!” Dinah added.

I laughed and link arms with my girls as we made our way out of the airport. Alright, I thought to myself, let’s try this again.

A/N: Hi okay, so I think I may have gotten it to work this time and I'm sorry if I didn't but I don't feel like trying again. Wattpad is driving me insane right now but I'll deal with it for a few more minutes to post this...sooo comment and vote and read and tell me if you like it and I'm updating twice tomorrow because Chapter 2 is short. Byeeee :-) :-P ;-) O:-)

P.S.- Tell me if you can see the picture on the cover because I can't see it.

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