Chapter 21

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A Week Later (Because the concert was slightly irrelevant to the rest of the story)

Ally's POV

"Ally, get up!" Normani screeched.

"But it's cold!" I whined, rolling onto my stomach and shoving my face into my pillow.

"Don't you remember what day it is?!" I lifted my head. It was November 21st....I gasped and shot out of bed.

"It's our six month anniversary..." I paused. "...kind of..."

Her smiled faded. "Why kind of?"

"We weren't dating for three of those months..."

"Oh, well, it can be the anniversary of our first kiss." She suggests, sitting in the bed and pulling me down next to her. "Or the anniversary of the time I fell in love with you?"

"Awww, ManiBear!!" I giggle before kissing her softly. She placed her hand on the back of my neck and titled her head, deepening the kiss.

"You see, this time I was gonna knock but you left the door open...." Dinah told us, rocking back and forth on her heels.

"Mani, you left the door open?!" I say in mock surprise. "Shame on you!" She playfully hit me on the arm. Today was not the day to get mad at our friends; we were just going to enjoy ourselves.

"Come to the kitchen for breakfast!" Dinah demands. "I think you'll like it!"

Normani's POV

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!" Camila and Lauren shouted, springing up from behind the counter the second Ally and I stepped into the kitchen.

"Aww," Ally gushes. "Thanks you guys!!!"

I suddenly noticed that almost all of Camila's face was covered in whipped cream. "Ice cream for breakfast?!"

They nod excitedly. "Want some?!" Lauren asks, fighting off Camila with a spoon as she tried not to get sprayed with chocolate sauce.


"What are guys going to do for your six-month accomplishment?" Dinah wanted to know, appearing in the room holding a can of sprinkles.

"I have it all planned!" I squeal, my mouth full of ice cream.

Ally froze. "Mani, don't hate me..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I waved my hand in the air as if I were shooing away a fly. "You forgot about our anniversary until like five minutes ago; big deal."

"So you're not mad?"

"No! We've been thew a lot lately so Ima letchu slide just dis one time." I smiled as she started to giggle, nearly choking on her ice cream.

"Do you think they make bacon ice cream?" Camila asked as she lifted her head out of the tub she was devouring.

"That would be disgusting!" Lauren told her.

Camila shrugged. "Well I wanna try it!"

"Just dip some bacon in what's on your face and you'll be good to go!" Dinah laughed.

Mila crossed her eyes and tried her hardest to lick the melting substance off of the area closest to her mouth.

"Ever heard of napkins, Mila?" I tease, handing her a few.

She groaned but cleaned her face with the towels. "Napkins are no fun!"

"Yeah, well napkins keep you from spraining your tongue when you try to lick your forehead." Ally told her with a smile on her face.

Camila dropped her spoon and ran into her room. "DINAH COME HERE!!"

Dinah sighed, but obeyed and in a few seconds, Destiny's Child's "Loose My Breath" was blaring from the speakers that they kept in their room. Our ice cream breakfast turned into a dance party as we spun around the kitchen and living room, crashing into each other and making a mess.

"BABY BOY MAKE ME LOOSE MY BREATH!!" Dinah sang as she got up onto the coffee table.

"Will you guys calm down?!" Lauren yelled. "We're going to get noise complaints!!"

"You've got the youngest people in the group on a sugar high before eleven and you want then to calm down?!" I ask her.

She shrugged. "Yeah, you're right. But, hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!!" She jumped on one of the couches and started to throw her hair around, nearly dropping her bowl of ice cream on the floor. And I had a feeling that this was the beginning of a very strange day...

Lauren's POV

"Alright, girls," I start once Camila, Dinah and I are all gathered in our room. "Today we have to plan another date. But this time, one of them knows about it. Which means that she's got expectations that we have to meet!"

"But what if we don't?" Camila asked from her upside down position on the bed.

"Then she'll be disappointed."

"So what do we have to do?"

"We have to make the perfect date, Chancho, weren't you listening?!" Dinah exclaimed.

"I meant what do we have to do specifically?"

"The first thing we have to do is get them dinner reservations at their favorite restaurant and then decorate that one place in the park-"

"Can we make a cake?!"

"Ally's the only one who can bake, Camz."

"Well we can try, can't we?"

"Okay, fine we can make a cake!" I told her. "But we have to get them reservations first!"


"Alright, let's do this!"

Normani's POV

"Ally!!" I shouted, knocking on the bathroom door.


"Come on! We've got reservations!!"

"I'm coming!"

I groaned and walked over to the full length mirror on the other side of the room to check my outfit again. I was wearing a dark blue dress that stopped right above my knees and a braided gold belt.

"Hey, sorry, my hair was being stupid." Ally said from behind me. I turned around to face her. She was wearing a black hat, orange shirt, a black skirt, and her hair was curled perfectly.

"Really?" She nodded. "Ally, you look gorgeous!"

"No, YOU look gorgeous!" She says, giving me a quick peck on the lips. "So I'm assuming that the girls successfully got reservations?"

I laughed. "Yep!"

"And what are we going to do after?"

"That is a supposed to be kept surprise!"

"Fine!" She spun around and stomped out the door.

"Hey!" Camila ran up to me before I could leave the apartment.

"Hey, Mila! Is everything set up in the park?"

"Yeah, but..."

"But what?" I asked, starting to get worried.

"We were kinda hoping that you would come back here after dinner."


"You'll see!" She says, pushing me to the door. "Have fun at dinner!!"

A/N: This chapter is actually pretty long and the last two are short but yeah umm....Thanks for the ideas that you guys gave me!! They helped a lot and I'm still accepting any idea you guys come up with :-D And also thanks so much for 1,000 reads on this story...well actually its 1,067 but whatever haha comment and vote and read ily guys byeeeee :-) :-P ;-) O:-)

P.S.- Thanks for 2,311 on Expect The Unexpected :-)

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