Chapter 4

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Chapter 4



Ally’s POV

“How are we going to fix this?” Camila asked Simon desperately. 

He just shook his head. 

“We have to fix this!” Mila continued. “There has to be a way!”

“Can’t you get us an interview with the magazine or something?!” Mani begged from her seat next to me.

“Girls, I don’t think I-”

“You didn’t even try!” Lauren shouted.

“Do you even care about us anymore?!” Dinah added.

“Of course I do-”

“Then why can’t you get us a simple interview?!” Lauren demanded.

“Okay, fine, I’ll try…but I can’t promise you anything.” Simon told us.

“Why not?” I asked him.

“Well, I…I just…”

“Simon, we can’t give up and I know that you don’t want us to.”

“I know, Ally, I’m just worried…”

“But why?” Mani questioned gently. 

“Because they’ll take whatever you say and twist and turn it to make it even worse that it already is!” Simon yelled, clearly frustrated.

The rest of us fell silent, pondering the comment. “So…so how…we…we can’t…fix this?” Camila stuttered. “Do we have to…break up…permanently?”

“No!” Dinah said, shooting up from her seat. “No! We cannot and will not just sit back and let this happen! Simon, get us an interview; we can take this.”

Normani’s POV

“You guys, I am so worried!” I told the girls on our way to the interview. “What are we going to say? What are we going to do? What if they-”

“Mani!” Ally interrupted me cupping my face and running her thumbs under my eyes. “Calm down, baby…we’ll figure it out!”

 I sighed and closed my eyes, letting myself melt into her touch. It felt like it had been forever since she’d chosen to calm me down like that. But I shook my head, refusing to believe it. “Ally, we always say that but-”

“But nothing! We will fix this!”

“Yeah,” Camila started. “We’ve rehearsed every possible question and answer! We’ve got this Mani!”

I nodded and Ally pulled me into her. “We’ll be okay…” Lauren told me, turning around from the passenger seat to squeeze my hand. 

“Alright girls, we’re here.” The driver told us as the car stopped in front of the magazine’s headquarters.

“Let’s go, girls!” Dinah said. “Our future awaits!”

“Geez, DJ; dramatic much?” Lauren launched.

“Thanks for ruining in moment, Lo!” 

Another Week Later



Ally’s POV

“YOU GUYS, LOOK AT THIS!!!” Camila called from the lobby of our apartment building. We ran over to see her holding an envelope addressed to us. 

“What is it?!” Dinah asked, reaching to grab the paper.

“Stop it! You can’t rip it!!”

“Well, at least tell us what it is!!” Lauren demanded impatiently.


We screamed in response and I gently pulled the envelope out of Camila’s hand to make sure she was right. “How did we even get these?!” 

“Well, we were put together by the same person.” Normani told us. 

“I guess this is Simon’s way of thanking us for fixing that whole fiasco last week?” Lauren decided. 

We had managed to have a reasonable conversation with the magazine editors to make them stop selling the ones that went against us and make a public retraction. It wasn’t easy, but now everyone knows that whatever kisses that were exchanged between anyone but Mani and I were purely out of friendship. 

I nodded. “You guys this is going to be so much fun!!” 

“I know!” Dinah agreed.

“I see you got the tickets.” A deep voice said from behind us.

We spun around to face Simon and nodded carefully. “Alright, I’m going to make you girls a deal: if you don’t cause any trouble leading up to the concert, you can go. But, if even the smallest thing occurs, I’m taking them away.”

“Don’t you think that’s a little…” Camila paused, searching for the right word. “…irrational?”

“Yeah, the press can take anything we do and turn it into something that never happened!” Mani said.

“Well,” Simon started. “You’ve been warned."

A/N: Hi okay so in case you were wondering, it gets really interesting in the next chapter and you'll get that tomorrow.       Soo comment (because no one's been doing that) vote and read byeeeee :-) :-P ;-) O:-) 

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