Chapter 22

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Camila's POV


"You guys?!" I shouted as I ran into my room. "Normani said that she's going to bring Ally back here after their dinner so we have at least an hour to bake that cake!"

"I'm sure it takes longer than an hour to bake a cake, Camz!" Lauren tells me.

"I said at least an hour! If we're lucky, we might get two!"

"Well, we better start now." Dinah decides, walking over to the cabinet to grab the cake mix."Camila can get the eggs and the flour," she says. "Lauren you can get the sugar and the water and I'll get...the other stuff."

"How many eggs do I need to get?" I asked Dinah, who was reading the ingredients off of the bag.

"Four, and get the mixing bowl."

"'Kay, four eggs and a bowl," I answer, spreading the supplies across the counter. After all of the ingredients were in the bowl, I grabbed the mixer. "LET'S MIX!!" I shout, turning it up to the highest level.

"NO CAMILA DON'T-" Lauren cried as our concoction splattered all over the kitchen. I turned off the machine immediately and tried my hardest to hold back laughter. "Camila!! That wasn't funny!" She said, scraping the cake mix off of herself.

"It kinda was," I giggle.

"You see, this is why we can't make a cake!"

"Come on, Lauren, cheer up!" Dinah laughed. "We can still make cupcakes or something!"

"Ugh, FINE, I'm gonna go get some towels."

"Dinah get the cupcake shell things!!" I demanded.

"The what?"

"The ruffley thingies that we have to put the mix in!"

"Okay, got 'em..." she said, placing them on the counter.

"And you," Lauren starts, pointing at me as she came back out of our room. "Are banned from the mixer!"

About Half An Hour Later



Dinah's POV

"You guys they're coming!!" I yelled. "Are the cupcakes finished?"

"Yep!" Camila said, pulling them out of the oven. "But they're too hot to put icing on them!"

"Then use whipped cream or something!" Lauren said, frantically searching the fridge. "Or use the icing squirty thingy!"

"I didn't even know we had one of those!"

"That's because we don't!" I told them, hopping over the couch to look through the peep hole of the door. "Hurry up! They're almost here!"

"I'm trying!" Lauren shrieked as Camila sprayed whipped cream in her face.

"Camila, spray the cupcakes not Lauren!!" I shouted. I ran back to the kitchen when I saw Ally and Normani walk up to the door. "They're here!!"

"Done!" Camila yelled, throwing her hands up, accidentally flinging her can of whipped cream into the refrigerator. "Oops..."

"Hey- woah..." Normani said when she came in the room. "What in the world..."

"You see what had happened was..." Lauren starts. "Camila got the bright idea to make a cake."

"But then I kinda got excited about using the mixer..." Camila added, gesturing to the mess on the walls and ceiling.

"So, we made cupcakes!" I finished.

"That was really sweet of you guys!!" Ally said brightly, reaching for a cupcake.

"Wait!" Camila cried. "They're still hot!"

"Well, that explains why the whipped cream is melting..."

"Yeah..." Lauren said, eating icing out of a bowl.

Ally's POV

"So, where are you going next?" Camila asked, taking apart a cupcake and tossing a piece in her mouth. She winked at Mani, so she obviously knew the answer to her question.

"To the park!" Normani shouted, dragging me back to the door.

"But I don't wanna go back out yet!" I whined. "Let me give you your present!!"

She looked confused. "But I thought you forgot about our anniversary?"

"But I may or may not've asked these ladies to go out and buy you something earlier." I say, beaming at my girlfriend. "I picked it out, of course."

"Are you saying we don't have style?" Camila gasped.

"Well you are covered in cake mix." Lauren told her.

"I wanna see it!!" Normani squealed.

"The cake mix?" Dinah said. "Because there's some on the ceiling..."

"The present, Dinah!"

"Sorry! It's on your bed."

"Thanks!" I say, grabbing Mani's arm and pulling her into our room. "Close your eyes." I picked up the box on the bed and held it in front of me. "Open,"

A/N: Hiii tomorrow's the last chapter  and it's really short but I think the ending's really adorable and I hope you like it but we'll see! Tell me what you think Ally got Normani for their anniversary :-) Oh yeah I'm gonna say thanks to @stormthebirds37 and @dinahsdawg for giving me ideas for the new story! I've written a chapter and a half but I haven't decided when I'm going to post it yet.  Also, I'm still accepting any (appropriate) ideas that you guys might have :-) Sooo comment and vote and read and byeee :-) :-P ;-) O:-)

P.S.- I don't know how to bake a cake so the ingredients were just random lol

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