Chapter 15

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Ally's POV

Mani and I both lay flat on our stomachs on our bed, staring blankly at the tv screen. I groaned and flipped onto my back. "Mani?!"

"What, baby?"

"Can we watch a different movie?"

"No, baby,"

I sighed loudly and she finally looked over at me. "Why are we watching a movie anyways?"

"Because there are other people in the room, Allycat." She whispers. I scrunched up my nose and she leaned down to kiss it gently.

She sat up and placed the popcorn bowl in her lap. "I bet you can't catch a piece of popcorn in your mouth three times in a row?"

"Alright," I say, sitting up and taking a handful of the snack. "What are we playing for?"

She shrugged. "How about a kiss?"

"But that's not a bad thing; either way both of us would win." I winked at her and she giggled.

"Duh! I refuse to lose you for a third time!" I beamed at her. "You first."

I tossed all three pieces in the air at the same time, and started laughing too hard to catch them in my mouth. "Hey!" She protested, laughing as well. "You cheated!!"

"You promised me a kiss!" I demanded. She learned forward but couldn't stop giggling.

"SHUT UP!!" Camila shouted, throwing a pillow at us.

I fell back onto the bed and pulled my girlfriend into me. "Are you going to break a promise, Normani?"

"YOU just broke a promise!!" She said. "You told me that you would stop calling me by my full name!!"

"I'm sorry, ManiBear..." I tell her, pouting for emphasis. "Do you forgive me?"

"I'll think about it..."


"Ally, shu-" Camila started before being cut off by Lauren's hand covering her mouth.

"Camz, let them be!!" She glanced at us and then back to Mila. "Actually, let's just go to a different room. Where's Dinah?"

Lauren scanned the room until she noticed a hand sticking out from under the covers of the bed she and Camila were on. "DINAH!!!"

"What?!" Dinah exclaimed, lifting her head so fast that she lost her balance and fell out of the bed.

We burst out laughing as she slowly got up and glared at Lauren. "Come on; we're going to the other room."

All three girls walked out of the room, and I turned to face Mani again. I stared at her for a moment before leaning forward, only to get blocked by her hand. "What now?!" I whined.

She rolled her eyes. "Stop being so desperate, baby."

"But, I didn't catch the popcorn!'

"You cheated!"

I groaned and lifted myself up to get more popcorn. Once again, I tossed all three pieces in the air and caught all of them. I turned myself back over and hovered over my girlfriend. "Can I get the kiss now?" 

"Woah!" Dinah cried. "I'm sorry I just came back to get my phone." I rolled off of Normani and sighed.

"Whatever, the moment's gone."

Mani tapped me on the shoulder as soon as Dinah left and pulled me down so that I was completely on top of her. "The moment never leaves when I'm with you, baby..." I smiled against her mouth when our lips touched.

"I love you so much, N-" I paused. "I mean, ManiBear." She laughed and gave me another quick peck on the lips.

"I love you more, Allycat."

"Well, I'm not going to argue with you if it means I might lose you again..."

"You won't lose me anymore, baby!!" She promises me.

"I better not! I love you way too much for that.....I love you times infinite...."

"Touché baby...touché..."

A/N: Hey okay so I was going to tell you guys this at the beginning of August because that's when I found out about it but then I was like naahh but now I'm going to tell you and its that IM GOING TO A FIFTH HARMONY CONCERT ON FRIDAY AND I HAVE VIP TICKETS OMG IM ALREADY NERVOUS AND I REALLY WANNA GET THEM SOMETHING BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO GET THEM AND I'LL PROBABLY END UP SAYING SOMETHING STUPID OMG but yeah that's it and comment (please ;-) ) and vote and read lol byeeeee :-) :-P ;-) O:-)

P.S.- @dinahsdawg You met them right? What did you do? Were you nervous? I'm probably going to start crying omg (You can just message me if you don't want to put it in the comments :) )

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