Chapter 18

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The Next Morning

Normani's POV

"Normani?!" My eyes snapped open to see my girlfriend hovering over me.

"What, Ally?" I groaned, still half asleep.

"I haven't kissed you in nearly two days...counting the hours we've slept."

I shrugged, knowing it would make her angry. "So?"

She grabbed my arms and pinned them above my head, her caramel eyes turning incredibly dark all of a sudden. "I want it now," her voice was soft and soothing, but her demeanor was terrifying.

"Not with that attitude," I smirked. I wanted her to think I didn't care, just to see how far she would go.

"Man, you guys really need to lock this door!!" Dinah cried, holding her hand over her eyes.


"Woah, calm down, Ally! I just came in here to tell you that breakfast was ready."

"Well, you can leave now!"


I lifted Ally off of me and slowly climbed out of bed. She stared at me and I watched as her eyes changed back to their original color. I gave her a small smile and she looked away. "Allycat?"

"I'm sorry, Mani..."

"Don't be sorry!" I tell her, walking over to the closet. "I promise you that I'm going crazy too." I laughed a little but heard my girlfriend sigh.

"I just wish that there was somewhere we could be completely alone."

"Same here, baby," I sat down next to her on the bed and intertwined our fingers. "Where are we going today?"

Ally thought for a moment before answering. "Uncle Simon said that tonight we're going to dinner at that new club that opened downtown."

"A club?" She nodded.

"Well, that should be interesting..."

At The Club

Still Normani's POV Beacuse it Wouldn't Work Out Right if it was Ally's Now...Anyways

Simon led the way into the club and turned to face us. "Okay, girls, it's the grand opening here so make sure to have a good time!" He shouted over the music. "And most importantly NO DRINKING!" We nodded, obviously distracted and he finally stepped out of the way to let us in. The place was huge and there were tons of people all packed inside.

"Let's dance!" Lauren suggested.

"Hey, I'm hungry dawg about let's eat!?!" Dinah said and Camila quickly agreed. We followed them to the snack bar and I noticed that Ally was standing unusually close to me.

I figured that she was remembering the Arin situation and I grabbed her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "I gotchu babe,"

She looked up at me and smiled. "Babe is my word!"

"Will both you babes get over here and order something?!" Dinah called.

I rolled my eyes. "It's always Dinah..." Ally nodded, giggling slightly before we took our seats at the bar.

"Are you sure you ladies don't want anything to drink?" One of the waiters asked. "You been through a lot of stressful situations lately." Dinah and Camila immediately said no, after a minute, Lauren and I agreed, and Ally was the only one who hadn't answered. "Alright, well, I'll come around later."

Ally's POV

"Ally?" I looked up from watching the waiter cross the room with the drinks to see Mani giving me a worried look. "You're not going to drink, are you?"

I sighed. "But he was right; we have been under a lot of stress lately and-"

"Simon said no." She took both of my hands in hers Promise me that you won't."

"You're right, okay, I won't drink." I told her, but I wasn't so sure whether or not I could keep that promise.

Lauren led us to a booth in the back of the club where we ate our food and talked for a while. I kept staring at the waiters passing by with the bottles and cups.

"I have to go to the bathroom!" I exclaim suddenly, shooting up from my seat. I found a waiter standing outside the kitchen with a couple of drinks on his tray. I hesitated before taking one.

He looked me in the eyes. "How old are you?"

"I'm...21..." I lie. I could pass for 21 couldn't I? I was already 20. He nodded slowly but didn't say anything else as he walked away.

I raised the glass to my lips but quickly pulled it down. Don't do it Ally, one part of my brain warned. You're underage, alcohol is bad for you, and you promised Normani that you wouldn't.

Cut loose! Another part of my brain argued. You've been a little innocent church girl your whole life! Don't you wanna break that image? I took a sip of the drink and the first thing I noticed was that it was disgusting. Keep going! People don't drink alcohol for the taste! They drink it for the thrill and the buzz; don't you want that?! Just do you little wimp! I took a deep breath, shut my eyes and downed the entire thing.

A/N: HEY okay you might not going to like what I'm about to tell you very much but I might not update at all tomorrow because of the concert (IM SO EXCITED OMG YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND :D) and if I have wifi in the hotel I'll try my best but I'm splitting the next chapter into two parts anyways. I updated late today because of that too I didn't want you guys to be sitting around for two days just waiting because I know I'd hate that hahaha and yeah so comment (pretty please ;-) ) and vote and read and byeeee :-) :-P ;-) O:-)

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