Spoby Ever After

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Spencer was walking around town, trying to get her mind off the headlines. Alison Dilaurentis here, Alison Dilaurentis there. She couldn't have thought that her death, was her fault. She didn't do it, but if it wasn't for that fight, she could be here right now. When she walked passed the Cavanaugh house she saw Toby. He's back? Should she be friendly? She did have a crush on him two years ago, but she was scared what the others would think, especially Alison. "Hey Toby." "Hi Spencer. How have you been?" "Alright. You?" "Pretty good. I'm sorry about Alison." "I'm just trying to get my mind off it." "Do you want to do something tomorrow? To get your mind off it?" "Sure. Seven?" "Great." "I better get home. My parents are expecting me." "Okay. Have a good day." "You too." When Spencer walked home, her parents and Melissa were there. "Hi guys." "How was school?" "Good. Why do you need me?" "I'm moving into the barn." "What!" "Wren proposed to me, and we need the space." "Mom, dad, I got the grades, the money, I gave up my summer to get this!" "You just have to wait a few months sweetie. You'll get it." "You know what they say about hope, it breeds eternal misery." "Spencer!" She went upstairs, got some pajamas, and puts them in her bag. There's no way she's sleeping here. She doesn't want to be little miss perfect anymore. She can't agree with everything they say. Where could she sleep? Hanna, no. She only cares about popularity now. Maybe Emily. She called her. "Hey Emily." "Hi Spence. What's up?" "Can I sleep at your place tonight?" "My dad is here, and I don't want any distractions. Maybe some other time." "Oh, okay. Bye." "Bye." She tried Aria, but she had family business. She thought of someone, but it's outrageous. Maybe it wasn't. Spencer went out the door, and headed to the Cavanaugh's.

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