Homecoming For Two.

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Two weeks later, it was a few days from homecoming. Toby, and Spencer planned on going, but Spencer had this awful cold. "I'm so sorry, Toby." "Spence, it's okay." "You planned on going to homecoming with me, and now I'm sick." "Spencer, it's okay." He kissed her. They cuddled, as Spencer went asleep. Spencer knew that later Emily would go take her to do something fun. Toby knew how much she  wanted to go to homecoming, so Toby turned her room to the most romantic thing ever. Spencer went upstairs, and opened her door. Her room looked beautiful. Toby came up behind her, and puts his hands on her waist. Spencer turned, and saw Toby in a tuxedo. "Toby!" "I knew how much you wanted to go to homecoming, so here you go!" She kissed him. "I love you." "I love you too, but Emily helped me." "I love her." "Get on your dress Spencer! You're gonna be late for homecoming!" She laughed, as she got on her dress. Toby puts on music, and they start dancing. "Thanks Toby." Then Emily knocked on the door. "Guys?" They opened the door. "I'm gonna leave." "Thanks Em." They both hugged her. "You're welcome." "Have fun." Toby, and Spencer kept dancing. Eventually, they ended up on the bed, kissing each other. "Are you gonna sleep in that?"  "I brought clothes." "Damn. You never forget anything." He gets on his pajamas, and Spencer stares at him. He gets out hers. "My turn." She laughs, and gets them on. They both lay down, next to each other. "Thanks Toby. For tonight." "Spence, you know I'll do anything for you." She kissed him, and they fell asleep.

Wow, guys. Thanks for all the votes. I'll try to post a chapter each day if we reach the votes. (that doesn't seem to be a problem) But, on Saturdays, and Sundays I'll be the most active. And thanks for your patience!

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